Marine ecosystems are the largest of Earth's aquatic ecosystems and exist in waters that have a high salt content. These systems contrast with freshwater ecosystems, which have a lower salt content. Marine waters cover more than 70% of the surface of the Earth and account for more than 97% of Earth's water supply and 90% of habitable space on Earth. Seawater has an average salinity of 35 parts per thousand of water. Actual salinity varies among different marine ecosystems. Marine ecosystems can be divided into many zones depending upon water depth and shoreline features. The oceanic zone is the vast open part of the ocean where animals such as whales, sharks, and tuna live. The benthic zone consists of substrates below water where many invertebrates live. The intertidal zone is the area between high and low tides. Other near-shore (neritic) zones can include mudflats, seagrass meadows, mangroves, rocky intertidal systems, salt marshes, coral reefs, lagoons. In the deep water, hydrothermal vents may occur where chemosynthetic sulfur bacteria form the base of the food web.
Marine ecosystems are characterized by the biological community of organisms that they are associated with and their physical environment. Classes of organisms found in marine ecosystems include brown algae, dinoflagellates, corals, cephalopods, echinoderms, and sharks.
Marine ecosystems are important sources of ecosystem services and food and jobs for significant portions of the global population. Human uses of marine ecosystems and pollution in marine ecosystems are significantly threats to the stability of these ecosystems. Environmental problems concerning marine ecosystems include unsustainable exploitation of marine resources (for example overfishing of certain species), marine pollution, climate change, and building on coastal areas. Moreover, much of the carbon dioxide causing global warming and heat captured by global warming are absorbed by the ocean, ocean chemistry is changing through processes like ocean acidification which in turn threatens marine ecosystems.
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The students will learn the fundamentals in ecology with the goal to perceive the environment beyond its physical and chemical characteristics. Starting from basic concepts, they will acquire mechanis
The course equips students with a comprehensive scientific understanding of climate change covering a wide range of topics from physical principles, historical climate change, greenhouse gas emissions
L'objectif de ce cours est de donner une compréhension globale des enjeux de la durabilité et de ses implications. Que signifie "durabilité"? Comment est-elle mesurée? Comment l'atteindre?
vignette|Animation montrant les découpages possibles en 5, 4, 3 ou 1 seul océan(s). vignette|Le grand océan planétaire, mis en valeur par la projection de Fuller. Un océan est souvent défini, en géographie, comme une vaste étendue d'eau salée comprise entre deux continents. En fait, il s'agit plutôt d'un volume, dont l'eau est en permanence brassée par des courants marins. Approximativement 70,8 % de la surface de la Terre est recouverte par l'océan mondial, communément divisé en cinq océans et en plusieurs dizaines de mers.
thumb|upright=1.3|Herbier de posidonies, Posidonia oceanica, en Méditerranée. thumb|upright=1.3|Un herbier de Syringodium isoetifolium à La Réunion : on voit une partie des racines à nu, preuve qu'il s'agit de plantes marines (phanérogames) et non d'algues. thumb|upright=1.3|right|Herbier de Thalassia dans les eaux des côtes de Floride. Les herbiers marins sont des prairies sous-marines qui poussent dans la plupart des mers du globe, en environnement strictement salin. Ils sont composés de plantes à fleurs (phanérogames marines) et non d'algues.
vignette|La colonne d'eau et ses différents étages d'espèces. vignette|Représentation schématique du concept de l'halieute Daniel Pauly. Le benthos est l'ensemble des organismes aquatiques (marins ou dulcicoles), appelés benthontes, vivant à proximité du fond des mers et océans, des lacs et cours d'eau. Par opposition, on parle de pélagos (constitué du plancton et du necton) pour désigner l'ensemble des organismes qui occupent la tranche d'eau supérieure, du fond à la surface.
Patterns in nature arise from processes interacting across a continuum of spatial scales, where new relationships emerge at each level of investigation. These patterns are nested features encompassing fine-scale local patterns, such as topography and geolo ...
Global change exposes ecosystems to changes in the frequency, magnitude, and concomitancy of disturbances, which impact the composition and functioning of these systems. Here, we experimentally evaluate the effects of salinity disturbances and eutrophicati ...
Glacier-fed streams are the cold, ultra-oligotrophic, and unstable streams that are fed by glacial meltwater. Despite these extreme conditions, they harbour a diverse and abundant microbial diversity that develops into biofilms, covering the boulders and s ...