Narration is the use of a written or spoken commentary to convey a story to an audience. Narration is conveyed by a narrator: a specific person, or unspecified literary voice, developed by the creator of the story to deliver information to the audience, particularly about the plot: the series of events. Narration is a required element of all written stories (novels, short stories, poems, memoirs, etc.), presenting the story in its entirety. However, narration is merely optional in most other storytelling formats, such as films, plays, television shows, and video games, in which the story can be conveyed through other means, like dialogue between characters or visual action. The narrative mode encompasses the set of choices through which the creator of the story develops their narrator and narration: Narrative point of view, perspective, or voice: the choice of grammatical person used by the narrator to establish whether or not the narrator and the audience are participants in the story; also, this includes the scope of the information or knowledge that the narrator presents Narrative tense: the choice of either the past or present grammatical tense to establish either the prior completion or current immediacy of the plot Narrative technique: any of the various other methods chosen to help narrate a story, such as establishing the story's setting (location in time and space), developing characters, exploring themes (main ideas or topics), structuring the plot, intentionally expressing certain details but not others, following or subverting genre norms, and using various other storytelling devices and linguistic styles. Thus, narration includes both who tells the story and how the story is told (for example, by using stream of consciousness or unreliable narration). The narrator may be anonymous and unspecified, or a character appearing and participating within their own story (whether fictitious or factual), or the author themself as a character.
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Publications associées (4)
Concepts associés (11)
Roman (littérature)
thumb|La Liseuse de Fragonard, vers 1770, conservée à la National Gallery of Art, Washington. Le roman est un genre littéraire caractérisé essentiellement par une narration fictionnelle et dont la première apparition peut être datée du . Initialement écrit en vers qui jouent sur les assonances, il est écrit en prose dès le et se distingue du conte ou de l'épopée par sa vocation à être lu individuellement et non écouté. Dynamique au , le roman devient le genre littéraire dominant à partir du et présente aujourd'hui un grand nombre de sous-genres.
Literary element
A literary element, or narrative element, or element of literature is an essential characteristic of all works of written and spoken narrative fiction. Literary elements include plot, theme, character and tone. In contrast, literary techniques are non-universal features of literature and include figurative language, irony, and foreshadowing. Literary elements aid in the discussion and understanding of works of literature as basic categories of critical analysis; literary elements could be said to be produced by the readers of a work just as much as they are produced by its author.
Schéma narratif
Le schéma narratif est un concept de narratologie. C'est l'ensemble des blocs sémantiques qui composent un récit. Le schéma classique est constitué de 5 éléments qui séquencent le récit. Situation initiale ou incipit : il présente les éléments nécessaires à la mise en route du récit et à la compréhension de celui-ci. Dans un récit au passé, les verbes y sont souvent à l'imparfait. La situation des héros n'y évolue pas, elle reste stable. Élément déclencheur ou élément perturbateur : confronté à la situation initiale, il rompt l'équilibre de l'histoire.
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Cours associés (2)
HUM-326: Graphic design D
Le cours vise à faire découvrir les bases du design graphique, ses enjeux, ses différents domaines d'application, ses techniques et ses conventions. Il s'agit d'un enseignement pratique qui repose sur
AR-404: UE A : Art and architecture
To train painting we must, first and foremost, train our gaze and our eyes to select, focus, caress, become inflamed. Learning to draw or paint means learning to see, to discover the physical porosity
Séances de cours associées (7)
Réflexions sur les récits personnels
Explore les aspects critiques de la narration, en encourageant une approche saine et réfléchie pour partager son voyage unique.
Walkscapes: L'éternel errant
Explore le concept de "Ka" comme un pont vers les idées religieuses primitives et l'importance de marcher dans les espaces de perception et de narration.
Maria Lai: Pratiques artistiques et féminisme
Explore la pratique artistique unique de Maria Lai, en se concentrant sur ses luttes et son approche innovante de la narration à travers les textiles.
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