Apocalypse () is a literary genre in which a supernatural being reveals cosmic mysteries or the future to a human intermediary. The means of mediation include dreams, visions and heavenly journeys, and they typically feature symbolic imagery drawn from the Hebrew Bible, cosmological and (pessimistic) historical surveys, the division of time into periods, esoteric numerology, and claims of ecstasy and inspiration. Almost all are written under pseudonyms (false names), claiming as author a venerated hero from previous centuries, as with the Book of Daniel, composed during the 2nd century BCE but bearing the name of the legendary Daniel. Eschatology, from Greek eschatos, last, concerns expectations of the end of the present age, and apocalyptic eschatology is the application of the apocalyptic world-view to the end of the world, when God will punish the wicked and reward the faithful. An apocalypse will often contain much eschatological material, but need not: the baptism of Jesus in Matthew's gospel, for example, can be considered apocalyptic in that the heavens open for the presence of a divine mediator (the dove representing the spirit of God) and a voice communicates supernatural information, but there is no eschatological element. Scholars have identified examples of the genre ranging from the mid-2nd century BCE to the 2nd century CE, and examples are to be found in Persian and Greco-Roman literature as well as Jewish and Christian. The sole clear case in the Jewish Bible (Old Testament) is chapters 7-12 of the Book of Daniel, but there are many examples from non-canonical Jewish works; the Book of Revelation is the only apocalypse in the New Testament, but passages reflecting the genre are to be found in the gospels and in nearly all the genuine Pauline epistles. "Apocalypse" has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation.
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Concepts associés (39)
Apocalypse () is a literary genre in which a supernatural being reveals cosmic mysteries or the future to a human intermediary. The means of mediation include dreams, visions and heavenly journeys, and they typically feature symbolic imagery drawn from the Hebrew Bible, cosmological and (pessimistic) historical surveys, the division of time into periods, esoteric numerology, and claims of ecstasy and inspiration.
L'apocalyptique ou apocalypse (grec ancien ἀπoκάλυψις (« apokálupsis », signifiant « révélation »)) est un genre d'écriture de caractère prophétique qui s'est développé dans la culture juive postexilique et qui sera populaire également chez les premiers chrétiens. Le fond narratif est généralement une vision-révélation divine transmise à un homme qui propose l'annonce l'imminente d'un monde nouveau. L'œuvre la plus connue appartenant à ce genre, et qui lui a donné son nom, est l'Apocalypse, attribuée traditionnellement à saint Jean, et terminant le canon du Nouveau Testament.
Jésus-Christ (prononcé ou ), le Christ ou simplement Christ est le nom donné par l'ensemble des chrétiens à Jésus de Nazareth. Il est également connu sous les noms de Notre-Seigneur, Fils de Dieu, le Messie ou le Sauveur, ainsi que par le diminutif J.-C. Il est professé par les chrétiens être le Messie, le Fils de Dieu et le rédempteur du genre humain. Né avant l'an 4 sous Hérode, il a commencé son activité de prédicateur vers l'an 28. Il fut arrêté et condamné à mort par le préfet romain Ponce Pilate en avril 30, et, selon le Nouveau Testament, il ressuscita trois jours après.
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