Trend following or trend trading is a trading strategy according to which one should buy an asset when its price trend goes up, and sell when its trend goes down, expecting price movements to continue.
There are a number of different techniques, calculations and time-frames that may be used to determine the general direction of the market to generate a trade signal, including the current market price calculation, moving averages and channel breakouts. Traders who employ this strategy do not aim to forecast or predict specific price levels; they simply jump on the trend and ride it. Due to the different techniques and time frames employed by trend followers to identify trends, trend followers as a group are not always strongly correlated to one another.
Trend following is used by commodity trading advisors (CTAs) as the predominant strategy of technical traders. Research done by Galen Burghardt has shown that between 2000-2009 there was a very high correlation (.97) between trend following CTAs and the broader CTA index.
Trend following is an investment or trading strategy which tries to take advantage of long, medium or short-term moves that seem to play out in various markets. Traders who employ a trend following strategy do not aim to forecast or predict specific price levels; they simply jump on the trend (when they perceived that a trend has established with their own particular reasons or rules) and ride it.
These traders normally enter in the market after the trend "properly" establishes itself, betting that the trend will persist for a long time, and for this reason they forego the initial turning point profit.
A market "trend" is a tendency of a financial market price to move in a particular direction over time.
If there is a turn contrary to the trend, they exit and wait until the turn establishes itself as a trend in the opposite direction. In case their rules signal an exit, the traders exit but re-enter when the trend re-establishes.
Cutting Loss.
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S'insère dans l'intégration verticale dans la stratégie d'entreprise, couvrant la chaîne de valeur, l'innovation et les tendances récentes de diversification.
L'analyse technique consiste en l’étude des graphiques de cours de la bourse et de différents indicateurs déduits des cours (actif sous-jacent) dans le but de prévoir l'évolution des marchés. Cette extrapolation graphique s'applique à tout type de marché comme les indices, prix, taux et matières premières. Elle n'est donc pas limitée à la bourse (marchés des actions) ; les mêmes outils et méthodes pouvant être appliqués à tout type d'actif sous-jacent dès lors que son prix est déterminé par la rencontre de l'offre et de la demande.
En finance, l'analyse quantitative est l'utilisation de mathématiques financières, souvent dérivées des probabilités, pour mettre au point et utiliser des modèles permettant aux gestionnaires de fonds et autres spécialistes financiers de s'attaquer à deux problèmes : mieux évaluer la valeur des actifs financiers, et surtout leurs dérivés. Ces dérivés peuvent être des produits comme les warrants, les certificats ou tout autre type de dérivé ou d'option (contrats Futures sur matières premières, indices, etc.
In finance, a trading strategy is a fixed plan that is designed to achieve a profitable return by going long or short in markets. The main reasons that a properly researched trading strategy helps are its verifiability, quantifiability, consistency, and objectivity. For every trading strategy one needs to define assets to trade, entry/exit points and money management rules. Bad money management can make a potentially profitable strategy unprofitable. Trading strategies are based on fundamental or technical analysis, or both.
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