Thermodynamic databases contain information about thermodynamic properties for substances, the most important being enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy. Numerical values of these thermodynamic properties are collected as tables or are calculated from thermodynamic datafiles. Data is expressed as temperature-dependent values for one mole of substance at the standard pressure of 101.325 kPa (1 atm), or 100 kPa (1 bar). Both of these definitions for the standard condition for pressure are in use.
Thermodynamic data is usually presented as a table or chart of function values for one mole of a substance (or in the case of the steam tables, one kg). A thermodynamic datafile is a set of equation parameters from which the numerical data values can be calculated. Tables and datafiles are usually presented at a standard pressure of 1 bar or 1 atm, but in the case of steam and other industrially important gases, pressure may be included as a variable. Function values depend on the state of aggregation of the substance, which must be defined for the value to have any meaning. The state of aggregation for thermodynamic purposes is the standard state, sometimes called the reference state, and defined by specifying certain conditions. The normal standard state is commonly defined as the most stable physical form of the substance at the specified temperature and a pressure of 1 bar or 1 atm. However, since any non-normal condition could be chosen as a standard state, it must be defined in the context of use. A physical standard state is one that exists for a time sufficient to allow measurements of its properties. The most common physical standard state is one that is stable thermodynamically (i.e., the normal one). It has no tendency to transform into any other physical state. If a substance can exist but is not thermodynamically stable (for example, a supercooled liquid), it is called a metastable state. A non-physical standard state is one whose properties are obtained by extrapolation from a physical state (for example, a solid superheated above the normal melting point, or an ideal gas at a condition where the real gas is non-ideal).
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L'enthalpie de fusion (symbole : ) est l'énergie absorbée sous forme de chaleur par un corps lorsqu'il passe de l'état solide à l'état liquide à température et pression constantes. Au point de fusion d'un corps pur, elle est plus communément appelée chaleur latente de fusion car c'est sous forme de chaleur que cette énergie est absorbée et cette absorption se fait sans élévation de la température. Elle sert en quelque sorte à désorganiser les liaisons intermoléculaires qui maintiennent les molécules ensemble et non à « chauffer » au sens commun du terme.
La thermodynamique chimique est la branche de la chimie physique qui étudie les échanges d'énergie aux substances chimiques et dans les milieux réactionnels. Elle se trouve sur le plan disciplinaire à l'interface entre la chimie et la thermodynamique. C'est une branche fondamentale de la chimie. La thermodynamique chimique inclut la thermochimie, qui étudie les échanges de la chaleur, une forme de l'énergie, aux substances chimiques et dans les milieux réactionnels.
La capacité thermique molaire est donnée par la quantité d'énergie apportée par échange thermique pour élever d'une unité la température d'une mole d'une substance. Dans le Système international l'unité est donc le joule par mole kelvin (). La détermination des valeurs des capacités thermiques des substances relève de la calorimétrie. Remarques : on définit également des capacités thermiques massiques (valeurs rapportées à l'unité de matière, c'est-à-dire une mole) ; il convient de distinguer les capacités à volume constant et les capacités à pression constante (la différence étant particulièrement importante pour les gaz).
Chemical product design has become more important because of major changes in the chemical industry. This course presents the basic method for chemical product design and gives direct practice to this
This course covers the metallurgy, processing and properties of modern high-performance metals and alloys (e.g. advanced steels, Ni-base, Ti-base, High Entropy Alloys etc.). In addition, the principle
The goal of the lecture is to present and apply techniques for the modelling and the thermo-economic optimisation of industrial process and energy systems. The lecture covers the problem statement, th
Ce cours complète le MOOC « Thermodynamique : fondements » qui vous permettra de mettre en application les concepts fondamentaux de la thermodynamique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le Professeur J.-P
Ce cours complète le MOOC « Thermodynamique : fondements » qui vous permettra de mettre en application les concepts fondamentaux de la thermodynamique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le Professeur J.-P
The corrosion mechanisms of a Roman iron bezel ring were investigated by in-depth characterization of its uncommon corrosion pattern and thermodynamic modelling. A silver foil and altered glass remnants were identified, covered with thick strata of magneti ...
This thesis reports on the realization of the first experiments conducted with superfluid, strongly interacting Fermi gases of 6Li coupled to the light field of an optical cavity. In the scope of existing ultracold atomic platforms, this is the first time ...
AbstractThe degradation of metal interconnects (ICs) in Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs) primarily results from chromium (Cr) oxide scale growth on stainless-steel substrates, causing ohmic loss and air-side electrode poisoning by Cr. This thesis addresses these c ...