Pierre-André FarinePierre-André Farine received the Doctoral and Engineering Degrees in Microtechnology from University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, respectively in 1984 and 1978, and the Engineering in Microtechnology from ETS Le Locle in 1974.
He was working 17 years for the Swiss watch industries (Swatch Group), including developments for high-tech products, such as pager watches, watches including integrated sensors such as pressure, compass, altimeter and temperature sensors for Tissot. He was also involved in prototypes developments for watches including GPS and cellular GSM phones.
Since 8 years, he is Professor in Electronics and Signal Processing at the Institute of Microtechnology IMT, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Full professor at EPFL since January 1st, 2009, he works in the field of low-power integrated products for portable devices, including microelectronics for wireless telecommunications, UWB and GNSS systems. He is Head of the Electronics and Signal Processing Laboratory ESPLAB of the EPFL IMT-NE. His laboratory works also for video and audio compression algorithms and their implementation in low power integrated circuits.
Pierre-Yves GilliéronOriginaire de Mézières (Vaud), né en 1964, Pierre-Yves Gilliéron obtient un diplôme dingénieur en génie rural et géomètre à lEcole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) en 1988.
De 1988 à 1990, il travaille au laboratoire de photogrammétrie de lEPFL où il participe à un projet de recherche en traitement dimage avec le partenaire industriel LEICA.
De 1991 à 1997, il est engagé par un bureau dingénieurs du Valais où il est actif dans le domaine de la géomatique. Responsable du secteur de la photogrammétrie, il dirige des mandats tant en Suisse quà létranger.
En 1997, il rejoint lEPFL et il est nommé chargé de cours pour le positionnement par satellite et la topographie. Parallèlement, Il collabore à la recherche et au développement au sein du laboratoire de Topométrie (TOPO) dans le domaine des systèmes de navigation appliqués aux transports.
Dès 2018, il occupe le poste d'adjoint à la direction de la section en sciences en ingénierie de l'environnement (SIE) de l'EPFL.
Il a été membre du comité de lInstitut Suisse de Navigation (ION-CH), de la commission géodésique suisse (SCNAT/SGK), de commissions d'experts de la VSS, du comité its-ch et de diverses associations professionnelles (IGSO, geosuisse, SSPIT).
Kamiar AminianKamiar Aminian received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1982, the Ph.D degree in biomedical engineering in 1989 and the Postgraduate degree on technical computing in 1993 from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He was assistant professor (1994-1996) with Sharif University of Technology (Tehran). He joint EPFL in 1996 where he is currently Professor of medical instrumentation and the director of the Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement in the Institute of Bioengineering of EPFL. His research interests include methodologies for human movement monitoring and analysis in real world conditions mainly based on wearable technologies and inertial sensors with emphasis on gait, physical activity and sport. His research aims to perform outcome evaluation in orthopaedics, to improve motor function and intervention programs in aging and patients with movement disorders and pain, and to identify metrics of performance in sport science.
Kamiar Aminian is a member of the International Society of Posture and Gait Research, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children, the Prevention of fall Network Europe, the Intentional Society of Biomechanics and the President of the 3D analysis of the human movement group. He is author or co-author of more than 450 scientific papers published in reviewed journals and presented at international conferences and holds 10 patents related to medical devices.
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