SystemC is emerging as a de-facto standard for digital system design. Since embedded systems include more and more heterogeneous components (e.g., analog/RF front-ends, processor cores, embedded software, digital hardware, sensors, actuators), the need for also supporting continuous-time models of computation in SystemC is growing. This paper reviews the main efforts to date for equipping SystemC with appropriate modeling guidelines or new classes and methods for supporting continuous-time and mixed continuous-time/discrete-event/discrete-time modeling and simulation. A particular emphasis is given on reporting on the ongoing effort in the OSCI (Open SystemC Initiative) AMS (Analog and Mixed-Signal) Working Group.
Paolo Ienne, Andrea Guerrieri, Lana Josipovic, Ayatallah Ahmed Gamal Kamal Elakhras
Francesco Regazzoni, Andrea Guerrieri, Andres Upegui