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Small specimen test technology (SSTT) has long been an integral part of fusion materials development. Past work has led to an array of techniques that not only have provided a means of efficiently using available irradiation volumes but have also led to improving insights and understanding of the role of specimen size in deformation and fracture phenomena. As the fusion community increases its focus on design and construction of next generation fusion machines, the ability of SSTT to provide the requisite design data as well as insights to behavior beyond the evolving data base will be critical. This paper will provide a context of the past and present work on SSTT and explore the opportunities to build on past successes to address future needs. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stefano Coda, Jeffrey Huang, Yu Song
Davide Galassi, Kevin Henricus Annemarie Verhaegh, Filippo Bagnato, Dario Vaccaro
Haomin Sun, Michele Marin, Javier García Hernández, Mikhail Maslov