The official Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production mission aims to demonstrate the ability to generate net electricity from fusion with the STEP Prototype Power plant. One of the key technological and engineering challenges in fusion power plants is managing the loads on the first wall within acceptable limits. Therefore, the conceptual design development of the STEP Prototype Power plant needs to be based on load estimates derived using legitimate plasma physics assumptions through dynamic and flexible tools. The current design foresees the STEP main chamber first wall to withstand steady-state heat loads of up to similar to 1 MW/m 2 , excluding critical regions expected to receive higher heat loads such as the baffle regions approaching the divertors. These critical areas will require ad hoc assessments and will be designed with the presence of limiters. This article focuses on the models and methodology adopted for designing the 2-D poloidal contour of the STEP first wall, based on the anticipated charged particle and radiation heat loads during normal operation. Firstly, the models adopted for calculating the charged particle and radiation heat loads are introduced. The first model is validated through benchmarking against the particle tracing code SMARDDA, while the second model is verified by comparing it with data from the MAST -U experiment. Secondly, the model used to design the 2-D first wall contour according to the heat loads is explained. We acknowledge that this preliminary design stage assumes certain simplifications, notably an axisymmetric geometry, for computational efficiency and clarity in presentation. It is understood that subsequent design phases will address the complexities of real -world engineering, including non-axisymmetric effects, transient plasma scenarios, and the impact of disruptions on the first wall design. Finally, an automatic procedure based on these models is presented for defining the 2-D poloidal contour of the STEP first wall to minimize heat loads, taking into account the need to radiate most of the alpha -particle and auxiliary heating power. By providing an overview of the models, methodology, and an automatic procedure, this paper contributes to the design process of the STEP first wall, addressing the engineering challenges associated with fusion power plant development.
Olivier Sauter, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Michele Marin, Simon Van Mulders
Michele Marin, Javier García Hernández, Mikhail Maslov