The Laboratory of Electrical Machines of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Lausanne) has developed a software (TLSim) for the simulation of electrical urban transportation systems. This program can simulate the behaviour of the power supply network (current and voltage level at any point of the topology) comprising uni- and bi- directionnal sub-stations. In the network the vehicules (trolleybus) may run along any defined path through different electrical supply sectors. Several models of trolleybus are available, one of these allowing for the injection of current back in the supply network. The operating schedule of the buses as well as the geographical data of the network are provided by the user. This program is a perfect tool for system planning as ascertained by its use by a Swiss transportation operator. A comparison of simulation and measurements on a real network has been performed with satisfactory results. This software evolved from a specific study to a flexible program still being extended with new developments. The latest of such developments being the study of the influence of capacitors in helping the system to keep voltages over a specified level mainly by supplying the surge current during the acceleration of the trolleybuses.
Catalina Paz Alvarez Inostroza