Traffic flowIn mathematics and transportation engineering, traffic flow is the study of interactions between travellers (including pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and their vehicles) and infrastructure (including highways, signage, and traffic control devices), with the aim of understanding and developing an optimal transport network with efficient movement of traffic and minimal traffic congestion problems.
Embouteillage (route)vignette|Embouteillage à Los Angeles en 1953. Un embouteillage (« bouchon » ou « file » en Europe, « congestion » au Canada) est un encombrement de la circulation, généralement automobile, réduisant fortement la vitesse de circulation des véhicules sur la voie. right|thumb|Les départs ou les retours de vacances sont une des sources d'embouteillage (Algarve, Portugal, été 2005). Les mots embouteillage, bouchon et congestion (également utilisé en anglais) sont utilisés par analogie, tous ces mots étant auparavant employés dans d'autres domaines.
Théorie des trois phases du traficLa théorie des trois phases du trafic est une théorie alternative de la modélisation du trafic routier mise au point par Boris Kerner entre 1996 et 2002. Elle se concentre principalement sur l'explication physique de la dégradation des conditions de trafic et des embouteillages résultant sur les autoroutes. À la différence des théories classiques basées sur le diagramme fondamental du trafic qui distinguent deux phases ou régimes (trafic fluide et les congestions), la théorie de Kerner propose trois phases.
Autoroutevignette|alt=Une autoroute en Allemagne|L’autoroute allemande caractérisée par une vitesse libre sur les deux tiers de son kilomètrage (A20), dotée d'un terre-plein central enherbé à deux glissières de sécurité, de deux bandes d’arrêt d’urgence, et de larges talus enherbés limités par une clôture limitant le risque de collisions accidentelles avec de grands animaux. vignette|Autoroute en Autriche permettant un passage rapide des Alpes, par des ponts et tunnels.
Traffic modelA traffic model is a mathematical model of real-world traffic, usually, but not restricted to, road traffic. Traffic modeling draws heavily on theoretical foundations like network theory and certain theories from physics like the kinematic wave model. The interesting quantity being modeled and measured is the traffic flow, i.e. the throughput of mobile units (e.g. vehicles) per time and transportation medium capacity (e.g. road or lane width). Models can teach researchers and engineers how to ensure an optimal flow with a minimum number of traffic jams.
Circulation routièrethumb|Bouchon routier La circulation routière est le déplacement réglementé des automobiles, d'autres véhicules ou des piétons; au sens large, sur une route, une autoroute ou tout autre type de voirie. vignette|Convention de Genève de 1949 vignette|Convention de Vienne de 1968 La circulation routière s'est développée au vingtième siècle, localement et internationalement. Pour faciliter le développement international de la circulation routière, des conventions ont été établies.
Speed limitSpeed limits on road traffic, as used in most countries, set the legal maximum speed at which vehicles may travel on a given stretch of road. Speed limits are generally indicated on a traffic sign reflecting the maximum permitted speed, expressed as kilometres per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph) or both. Speed limits are commonly set by the legislative bodies of national or provincial governments and enforced by national or regional police and judicial authorities.
Microscopic traffic flow modelMicroscopic traffic flow models are a class of scientific models of vehicular traffic dynamics. In contrast, to macroscopic models, microscopic traffic flow models simulate single vehicle-driver units, so the dynamic variables of the models represent microscopic properties like the position and velocity of single vehicles. Also known as time-continuous models, all car-following models have in common that they are defined by ordinary differential equations describing the complete dynamics of the vehicles' positions and velocities .
Traffic contractIf a network service (or application) wishes to use a broadband network (an ATM network in particular) to transport a particular kind of traffic, it must first inform the network about what kind of traffic is to be transported, and the performance requirements of that traffic. The application presents this information to the network in the form of a traffic contract. When a connection is requested by an application, the application indicates to the network: The Type of Service required.
Fundamental diagram of traffic flowThe fundamental diagram of traffic flow is a diagram that gives a relation between road traffic flux (vehicles/hour) and the traffic density (vehicles/km). A macroscopic traffic model involving traffic flux, traffic density and velocity forms the basis of the fundamental diagram. It can be used to predict the capability of a road system, or its behaviour when applying inflow regulation or speed limits. There is a connection between traffic density and vehicle velocity: The more vehicles are on a road, the slower their velocity will be.