Diélectriquethumb|La séparation de charge dans un condensateur à plaques parallèles engendre un champ électrique interne. Le matériau diélectrique (en orange) réduit ce champ et augmente la capacitance. Un milieu est diélectrique (mot composé du préfixe grec (« au travers ») et électrique) s'il ne contient pas de charges électriques susceptibles de se déplacer de façon macroscopique. Le milieu ne peut donc pas conduire le courant électrique, et est souvent un isolant électrique.
Dielectric lossIn electrical engineering, dielectric loss quantifies a dielectric material's inherent dissipation of electromagnetic energy (e.g. heat). It can be parameterized in terms of either the loss angle δ or the corresponding loss tangent tan(δ). Both refer to the phasor in the complex plane whose real and imaginary parts are the resistive (lossy) component of an electromagnetic field and its reactive (lossless) counterpart.
Sampling frameIn statistics, a sampling frame is the source material or device from which a sample is drawn. It is a list of all those within a population who can be sampled, and may include individuals, households or institutions. Importance of the sampling frame is stressed by Jessen and Salant and Dillman. In many practical situations the frame is a matter of choice to the survey planner, and sometimes a critical one. [...] Some very worthwhile investigations are not undertaken at all because of the lack of an apparent frame; others, because of faulty frames, have ended in a disaster or in cloud of doubt.
Plasmonic metamaterialA plasmonic metamaterial is a metamaterial that uses surface plasmons to achieve optical properties not seen in nature. Plasmons are produced from the interaction of light with metal-dielectric materials. Under specific conditions, the incident light couples with the surface plasmons to create self-sustaining, propagating electromagnetic waves known as surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Once launched, the SPPs ripple along the metal-dielectric interface. Compared with the incident light, the SPPs can be much shorter in wavelength.
Diffusion BrillouinLa 'diffusion Brillouin' est la diffusion inélastique de la lumière par les ondes acoustiques d'un milieu. Dans une expérience de diffusion Brillouin, on illumine un milieu à l'aide d'un faisceau laser et on détecte la lumière diffusée à une fréquence légèrement différente. Les décalages en fréquence observés sont de l'ordre de 1 à 200 GHz environ. La mesure de ce décalage permet de remonter à certaines propriétés du milieu. Cet effet a été prédit en 1914 par Léon Brillouin.
Survey samplingIn statistics, survey sampling describes the process of selecting a sample of elements from a target population to conduct a survey. The term "survey" may refer to many different types or techniques of observation. In survey sampling it most often involves a questionnaire used to measure the characteristics and/or attitudes of people. Different ways of contacting members of a sample once they have been selected is the subject of survey data collection.
Negative-index metamaterialNegative-index metamaterial or negative-index material (NIM) is a metamaterial whose refractive index for an electromagnetic wave has a negative value over some frequency range. NIMs are constructed of periodic basic parts called unit cells, which are usually significantly smaller than the wavelength of the externally applied electromagnetic radiation. The unit cells of the first experimentally investigated NIMs were constructed from circuit board material, or in other words, wires and dielectrics.
SuperlentilleUne superlentille est une lentille optique élaborée avec des métamatériaux et permettant de distinguer des détails jusqu'à vingt fois inférieurs à la longueur d'onde d'utilisation. Une lentille classique est dite « limitée par la diffraction », c'est-à-dire que l'image la plus petite que l'on pourra obtenir sera toujours une tache d'Airy et donc possède un diamètre dépendant du diamètre de la lentille et de la longueur d'onde d'utilisation, limitant l'utilisation de lentilles classiques en verre optique à l'observation d'objet de quelques centaines de nanomètres.
Sampling probabilityIn statistics, in the theory relating to sampling from finite populations, the sampling probability (also known as inclusion probability) of an element or member of the population, is its probability of becoming part of the sample during the drawing of a single sample. For example, in simple random sampling the probability of a particular unit to be selected into the sample is where is the sample size and is the population size. Each element of the population may have a different probability of being included in the sample.
Computational electromagneticsComputational electromagnetics (CEM), computational electrodynamics or electromagnetic modeling is the process of modeling the interaction of electromagnetic fields with physical objects and the environment. It typically involves using computer programs to compute approximate solutions to Maxwell's equations to calculate antenna performance, electromagnetic compatibility, radar cross section and electromagnetic wave propagation when not in free space.