Melting experiments at high-pressure and temperature were conducted at pressures from 16 to 25 GPa using chondritic starting material but with slightly enhanced Na- and K-contents while keeping the chondritic Na/K ratio constant. The experiments revealed that majorite garnet contains enhanced concentrations of Na (3.75-4.71 wt.% Na2O) and moderately enhanced concentrations of K (0.3-0.46 wt.% K2O) from 16 to 20 GPa and it is therefore the Na- and K-bearing phase at this pressure range. The Na2O/K2O ratio (8-15) in garnet is close to the initial chondritic ratio (7) of the starting material, which might indicate that at these pressures only little Na/K fractionation takes place. At pressures above 21 GPa, the high-pressure phases enriched in Na include majorite garnet (3.08-6.22 wt.% Na2O), magnesiowustite (1.83-3.3 wt.% Na2O), and (Mg,Fe)SiO3-perovskite (0.43-1.25 wt.% Na2O). These phases contain only small amounts of K ( 21 GPa should have taken place in the early accretional period in the primitive chondritic mantle of the Earth.
Marco Cantoni, James Badro, Susannah McGregor Dorfman, Farhang Nabiei
Philippe Gillet, Cécile Hébert, Marco Cantoni, James Badro, Farhang Nabiei, Charles-Edouard Boukaré