Protein dynamicsProteins are generally thought to adopt unique structures determined by their amino acid sequences. However, proteins are not strictly static objects, but rather populate ensembles of (sometimes similar) conformations. Transitions between these states occur on a variety of length scales (tenths of Å to nm) and time scales (ns to s), and have been linked to functionally relevant phenomena such as allosteric signaling and enzyme catalysis.
Spectroscopie astronomiqueLa spectroscopie est l'un des moyens principaux pour les astrophysiciens pour étudier l'Univers. En 1835, Auguste Comte disait dans son Cours de philosophie positive que parmi les choses qui resteraient à jamais hors de portée de la connaissance humaine figurait la composition chimique du Soleil. Il ne vécut pas assez longtemps pour voir en 1865 deux savants allemands, Robert Bunsen et Gustav Kirchhoff analyser pour la première fois la lumière du Soleil et permettre la détermination de la composition chimique de celui-ci.
Doctorat en éducationThe Doctor of Education (Ed.D. or D.Ed.; Latin Educationis Doctor or Doctor Educationis) is (depending on region and university) a research or professional doctoral degree that focuses on the field of education. It prepares the holder for academic, research, administrative, clinical, or professional positions in educational, civil, private organizations, or public institutions. Considerable differences exist in structure, content and aims between regions.
Undergraduate educationUndergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and before postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States, an entry-level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduate students. Upon completion of a number of required and elective courses as part of an undergraduate program, the student would earn the corresponding degree.
ChaperoninHSP60, also known as chaperonins (Cpn), is a family of heat shock proteins originally sorted by their 60kDa molecular mass. They prevent misfolding of proteins during stressful situations such as high heat, by assisting protein folding. HSP60 belong to a large class of molecules that assist protein folding, called molecular chaperones. Newly made proteins usually must fold from a linear chain of amino acids into a three-dimensional tertiary structure.