For the radial energy-supercritical nonlinear wave equation on , we prove the existence of a class of global in forward time -smooth solutions with infinite critical Sobolev norm . Moreover, these solutions are stable under suitably small perturbations . We also show that for the {\em defocussing} energy supercritical wave equation, we can construct such solutions which moreover satisfy the size condition for arbitrarily prescribed . These solutions are stable under suitably small perturbations. Our method proceeds by regularization of self-similar solutions which are smooth away from the light-cone but singular on the light-cone. The argument crucially depends on the supercritical nature of the equation. Our approach should be seen as part of the program initiated in~\cite{KrSchTat1}, \cite{KrSchTat2}, \cite{DoKri}.
Maria Colombo, Silja Noëmi Aline Haffter