
Large Eddy Simulation of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Wakes


In this study, large eddy simulation (LES) is combined with a turbine model to investigate the wake behind a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) in a three-dimensional turbulent flow. Two methods are used to model the subgrid-scale (SGS) stresses: (a) the Smagorinsky model; and (b) the modulated gradient model. To parameterize the effects of the VAWT on the flow, two VAWT models are developed: (a) the actuator swept-surface model (ASSM), in which the time-averaged turbine-induced forces are distributed on a surface swept by the turbine blades, i.e., the actuator swept surface; and (b) the actuator line model (ALM), in which the instantaneous blade forces are only spatially distributed on lines representing the blades, i.e., the actuator lines. This is the first time that LES has been applied and validated for the simulation of VAWT wakes by using either the ASSM or the ALM techniques. In both models, blade-element theory is used to calculate the lift and drag forces on the blades. The results are compared with flow measurements in the wake of a model straight-bladed VAWT, carried out in the Institute de Mechanique et Statistique de la Turbulence (IMST) water channel. Different combinations of SGS models with VAWT models are studied, and a fairly good overall agreement between simulation results and measurement data is observed. In general, the ALM is found to better capture the unsteady-periodic nature of the wake and shows a better agreement with the experimental data compared with the ASSM. The modulated gradient model is also found to be a more reliable SGS stress modeling technique, compared with the Smagorinsky model, and it yields reasonable predictions of the mean flow and turbulence characteristics of a VAWT wake using its theoretically-determined model coefficient.

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Concepts associés (33)
Une éolienne est un dispositif qui transforme l'énergie cinétique du vent en énergie mécanique, dite énergie éolienne, laquelle est ensuite le plus souvent transformée en énergie électrique. Les éoliennes produisant de l'électricité sont appelées « aérogénérateurs », tandis que les éoliennes qui pompent directement de l'eau sont parfois dénommées « éoliennes de pompage » ou « pompes à vent ». Une forme ancienne d'éolienne est le moulin à vent.
Unconventional wind turbines
Unconventional wind turbines are those that differ significantly from the most common types in use. the most common type of wind turbine is the three-bladed upwind horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT), where the turbine rotor is at the front of the nacelle and facing the wind upstream of its supporting turbine tower. A second major unit type is the vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), with blades extending upwards, supported by a rotating framework.
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La simulation des grandes structures de la turbulence (SGS ou en anglais LES pour Large Eddy Simulation) est une méthode utilisée en modélisation de la turbulence. Elle consiste à filtrer les petites échelles qui sont modélisées et en calculant directement les grandes échelles de la cascade turbulente. Cette méthode a été introduite par Joseph Smagorinsky en 1963 et utilisée pour la première fois par James W. Deardoff en 1970. Elle permet de calculer un écoulement turbulent en capturant les grandes échelles pour un coût raisonnable.
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