BiomarqueurUn biomarqueur est une caractéristique biologique mesurable liée à un processus normal ou non. Dans le domaine de l'écologie, un biomarqueur est un changement observable ou mesurable au plan moléculaire (génétique, biochimique), cellulaire ou physiologique dans les tissus ou les fluides d’un organisme ou sur l’organisme entier qui révèle l'exposition présente ou passée d'un organisme vivant à une substance chimique ou à un autre facteur de stress.
Biocontainment of genetically modified organismsSince the advent of genetic engineering in the 1970s, concerns have been raised about the dangers of the technology. Laws, regulations, and treaties were created in the years following to contain genetically modified organisms and prevent their escape. Nevertheless, there are several examples of failure to keep GM crops separate from conventional ones. In the context of agriculture and food and feed production, co-existence means using cropping systems with and without genetically modified crops in parallel.
Inclusion bodiesInclusion bodies are aggregates of specific types of protein found in neurons, a number of tissue cells including red blood cells, bacteria, viruses, and plants. Inclusion bodies of aggregations of multiple proteins are also found in muscle cells affected by inclusion body myositis and hereditary inclusion body myopathy. Inclusion bodies in neurons may be accumulated in the cytoplasm or nucleus, and are associated with many neurodegenerative diseases.
Genetically modified plantGenetically modified plants have been engineered for scientific research, to create new colours in plants, deliver vaccines, and to create enhanced crops. Plant genomes can be engineered by physical methods or by use of Agrobacterium for the delivery of sequences hosted in T-DNA binary vectors. Many plant cells are pluripotent, meaning that a single cell from a mature plant can be harvested and then under the right conditions form a new plant.
Universal quantificationIn mathematical logic, a universal quantification is a type of quantifier, a logical constant which is interpreted as "given any", "for all", or "for any". It expresses that a predicate can be satisfied by every member of a domain of discourse. In other words, it is the predication of a property or relation to every member of the domain. It asserts that a predicate within the scope of a universal quantifier is true of every value of a predicate variable.
Biomarker (medicine)In medicine, a biomarker is a measurable indicator of the severity or presence of some disease state. It may be defined as a "cellular, biochemical or molecular alteration in cells, tissues or fluids that can be measured and evaluated to indicate normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention." More generally a biomarker is anything that can be used as an indicator of a particular disease state or some other physiological state of an organism.
Quantification existentielleEn mathématiques et en logique, plus précisément en calcul des prédicats, l'existence d'un objet x satisfaisant une certaine propriété, ou prédicat, P se note ∃x P(x), où le symbole mathématique ∃, lu « il existe », est le quantificateur existentiel, et P(x) le fait pour l'objet x d'avoir la propriété P. L'objet x a la propriété P(x) s'exprime par une formule du calcul des prédicats.
Plasma sanguinthumb|Poche de plasma de obtenue après un don en plasmaphérèse de , à Valenciennes, en France. vignette|Une poche de plasma frais congelé. Le plasma sanguin est le composant liquide du sang, dans lequel les cellules sanguines sont en suspension. Il constitue 55 % du volume total du sang. Il sert à transporter les cellules sanguines et les hormones à travers le corps. Généralement, on retrouve environ de plasma dans le corps d'un adulte.
Cerebrospinal fluid leakA cerebrospinal fluid leak (CSF leak or CSFL) is a medical condition where the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding the brain or spinal cord leaks out of one or more holes or tears in the dura mater. A cerebrospinal fluid leak can be either cranial or spinal, and these are two different disorders. A spinal CSF leak can be caused by one or more meningeal diverticula or CSF-venous fistulas not associated with an epidural leak.
Repliement des protéinesthumb|right|300px|Repliement des protéines Le repliement des protéines est le processus physique par lequel un polypeptide se replie dans sa structure tridimensionnelle caractéristique dans laquelle il est fonctionnel. Chaque protéine commence sous forme de polypeptide, transcodée depuis une séquence d'ARNm en une chaîne linéaire d'acides aminés. Ce polypeptide ne possède pas à ce moment de structure tridimensionnelle développée (voir côté gauche de la figure).