Wood properties at macroscopic scale depend on its structure at microscopic scale. Currently, there are few data concerning the microscopic-macroscopic relationship, and this is why here is detailed and developed a method of wood slicing with a thickness of 3 microns, in order to visually observe the microstructure and in some cases its interactions with adhesives (when present), and establish possible links with the mechanical properties of a given specie. This method implementation is based on an already existing method. The sample is soaked in a resin via the succession of dehydration steps, then cured by heating in the oven. According to various tests, the resin used by the University of Freiburg proved to be the best, whereas at the level of the blade used for the samples slicing, the use of a diamond blade with a preslicing using a metallic blade of profile D, proved to be the most conclusive regarding the quality and fineness of slicing, as well as less wear on the diamond blade. Indeed, cuts of 3 microns can be obtained, thus allowing excellent microscopic observation, which can be applied for an accurate study of the microstructure in different projects.
Grégoire Courtine, Fabien Sorin, Wei Yan, Inès Richard