Visual tracking has become a very important component in computer vision, but achieving a robust, reliable and real time tracking remains a real challenge.In order to improve the actual state-of-the-art, we choose to study and improve one of the most performing adaptive tracker by detection. We selected Struck [27] for this quality performance and his low computational cost that makes it real time. Inspired by the great successes of binary keypoint descriptors, we choose to apply binary description to a patch. We propose to use Multi-Block Local Binary Pattern (MB-LBP), based on its great success in face detection and description. In this work we present a technique for selecting the best features for tracking. In combination with the feature selection we propose a technique to take into account contextual information in order to increase the robustness of the tracker. We propose a solution to add scale adaptation to the algorithm, and suggest to transpose this technique to add rotation adaptation. Experimentally we validate these techniques showing that we outperform the state-of-art racking algorithms. To do that we use a benchmarking tool using 51 videos and compare our algorithm to 29 algorithms.
Marilyne Andersen, Caroline Karmann, Yunjoung Cho
Andreas Peter Burg, Robert Giterman, Reza Ghanaatian Jahromi, Andrea Bonetti
Paul Arthur Adrien Pierre Dreyfus