In this work, we show local laser-induced heating in fluids with gold nanodot arrays prepared by electron-beam lithography that cover resonances in the near infrared spectral range from 750 nm to 880 nm. We utilize two approaches to demonstrate thermal effects, solvent evaporation and flow stop, with a thermosensitive polymer solution. We show that with fluences as low as 4 mu J cm(-2), significant heating of the nanostructures occurs in their immediate vicinity. We perform power and wavelength dependent measurements to determine the threshold of the thermal effects. Using wavelengths about 20 nm away from the plasmonic resonance peak, the heating drops drastically, and 30 to 40 nm away, there is mostly no thermal effect. Therefore, working close to the threshold laser power offers the possibility of multiplexed reactions or sensing without cross-talk even though a typical full width at half maximum of a plasmonic resonance spectrum can be as broad as 200 nm. Additionally, comparison with theoretical calculations of heat generation show good agreement with the experimentally determined threshold powers.
Pekka Eero Peljo, Micheal Diarmaid Scanlon, Evgeny Smirnov, Thomas James Stockmann