Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be applied to optimize controllers for multiple robots using only local information. In order to cope with noise in the robotic performance evaluations, different re-evaluation strategies were proposed in the past. In this article, we apply a statistical technique called Optimal Computing Budget Allocation to improve the performance of distributed PSO in the presence of noise. In particular, we compare a distributed PSO OCBA algorithm suitable for resource-constrained mobile robots with a centralized version that uses global information for the allocation. We show that the distributed PSO OCBA outperforms a previous distributed noise-resistant PSO variant, and that the performance of the distributed PSO OCBA approaches that of the centralized one as the communication radius is increased. We also explore different parametrizations of the PSO OCBA algorithm, and show that the choice of parameter values differs from previous guidelines proposed for stand-alone OCBA.