Architecturevignette|upright=1.2|La cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais, , toute en pierre de taille, est l’exemple le plus aérien et dématérialisé de l'architecture gothique qui atteint là ses limites techniques. vignette|upright=1.2|La coupole du Panthéon, construit dans l'Antiquité romaine au début du , est restée de loin la plus large coupole du monde durant de nombreux siècles. Elle ne sera égalée qu'au par le dôme de la cathédrale de Florence qui marque de ce fait le début de la Renaissance, pour n'être dépassée qu'à partir du par les dômes contemporains.
Architectural engineeringArchitectural engineering or architecture engineering, also known as building engineering, is an engineering discipline that deals with the engineering systems - such as structural, mechanical, electrical, lighting, environmental, climate control, telecommunications, security, and other technologies used in buildings. From reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to the construction of resilient buildings, architectural engineers are at the forefront of addressing several major challenges of the 21st century.
Dessin d'architectureUn dessin d'architecture ou plan de masse est un dessin de tout type et nature, utilisé dans le domaine de l'architecture. C'est généralement une représentation technique d'un bâtiment qui associée à d'autres, permet une compréhension de ses caractéristiques, qu'il soit une construction édifiée ou seulement en projet. Ainsi, divers plans forment le cœur d'un dossier de demande d'un permis de construire. Un dessin d'architecture est toujours une mise en application de principes géométriques, de considérations esthétiques et d'exigences pratiques ; l'ensemble étant encadré par des conventions.
Pragmaticism"Pragmaticism" is a term used by Charles Sanders Peirce for his pragmatic philosophy starting in 1905, in order to distance himself and it from pragmatism, the original name, which had been used in a manner he did not approve of in the "literary journals". Peirce in 1905 announced his coinage "pragmaticism", saying that it was "ugly enough to be safe from kidnappers" (Collected Papers (CP) 5.414). Today, outside of philosophy, "pragmatism" is often taken to refer to a compromise of aims or principles, even a ruthless search for mercenary advantage.
Hokkien (peuple)Le peuple Hoklo ou Hokkien () fait partie de l'ethnie Han dont la terre d'origine se situe dans le sud du Fujian en Chine. Ils sont également connus sous divers endonymes (Pe̍h-ōe-jī : Hok-ló-lâng/Hō-ló-lâng/Ho̍h-ló-lâng/Hô-ló-lâng), ou d'autres termes connexes tels que peuple Banlam (Minnan) (閩南儂 ; Bân-lâm-lâng). Le terme « Hokkien » est parfois utilisé à tort pour désigner tous les habitants du Fujian.
Style architecturalAn architectural style is a set of characteristics and features that make a building or structure notable or historically identifiable. It is a sub-class of style in the visual arts generally, and most styles in architecture relate closely to a wider contemporary artistic style. A style may include such elements as form, method of construction, building materials, and regional character. Most architecture can be classified within a chronology of styles which changes over time, reflecting changing fashions, beliefs and religions, or the emergence of new ideas, technology, or materials which make new styles possible.
Architecture classiquevignette|Villa Rotonda (1566-1571), par Palladio. L'architecture classique désigne un style architectural qui s'inspire directement de l'antiquité gréco-romaine, dans le contexte de la Renaissance. Partie d'Italie au , sous l'impulsion notamment de Bramante et Palladio, ce style architectural va se répandre dans toute l'Europe au , avant de se transformer en néo-classicisme au . L'architecture classique est parfois opposé au style baroque, mais cet antagonisme est à nuancer dans la mesure où l'on trouve de nombreuses interférences entre les deux styles, le baroque s'inspirant également de l'antiquité gréco-romaine.
Teochew nangThe Teochew people, Swatow people or Chaoshan people (rendered Têo-Swa in romanized Teoswa and Chaoshan in Modern Standard Mandarin also known as Teo-Swa in mainland China due to a change in place names) is anyone native to the historical Chaoshan region in south China who speak the Chaoshan Min language. Today, most ethnic Teochew people live throughout Chaoshan and Hong Kong, and also outside China in Southeast Asia, including in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
Architectural technologistThe architectural technologist, also known as a building technologist, provides technical building design services and is trained in architectural technology, building technical design and construction. Architectural technologists apply the science of architecture and typically concentrate on the technology of building, design technology and construction. The training of an architectural technologist concentrates on the ever-increasingly complex technical aspects in a building project, but matters of aesthetics, space, light and circulation are also involved within the technical design, leading the professional to assume decisions which are also non-technical.
Pragmatic theory of truthA pragmatic theory of truth is a theory of truth within the philosophies of pragmatism and pragmaticism. Pragmatic theories of truth were first posited by Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, and John Dewey. The common features of these theories are a reliance on the pragmatic maxim as a means of clarifying the meanings of difficult concepts such as truth; and an emphasis on the fact that belief, certainty, knowledge, or truth is the result of an inquiry. Pragmatic theories of truth developed from the earlier ideas of ancient philosophy, the Scholastics.