Photoinduced electron -transfer processes at the TiO2/ dye/electrolyte interface are vital for various emerging technologies. Here, the impact of the local electric field at this interface on the charge -transfer processes was investigated in two aspects: (a) charge recombination between the electrons accumulated within TiO2 and the photoxidized dye and (b) regeneration of the dyes by the cobalt bipyridyl redox mediators. The amplitude of the local electric field was changed by use of different cations in the electrolytic environment, in the order E-Ca(2+) > E-Mg(2+)> E-Na(+) > E-u(+) characterized by the transient absorption spectroscopy. For the charge recombination process, the kinetic time constant showed a remarkable linear correlation with the relative electric field strength, while for the regeneration process, no evident dependence was observed. These results collectively suggest the spatial confinement of the effects of the local electric field on the interfacial electron -transfer processes.