
Experimental Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Full Load Pressure Surge in Francis Turbines


Full load pressure surge limits the operating range of hydro-electric generating units by causing significant power output swings and by compromising the safety of the plant. It appears during the off-design operation of hydraulic machines, which is increasingly required to regulate the broad integration of volatile renewable energy sources into the existing power network. The underlying causes and governing physical mechanisms of this instability were investigated in the frame of a large European research project and this paper documents the main findings from two experimental campaigns on a reduced scale model of a Francis turbine. The multi-phase flow in the draft tube is characterized by Particle Image Velocimetry, Laser Doppler Velocimetry and high-speed visualizations, along with synchronized measurements of the relevant hydro-mechanical quantities. The final result is a comprehensive overview of how the unsteady draft tube flow and the mechanical torque on the runner shaft behave during one mean period of the pressure oscillation, thus defining the unstable fluid-structure interaction responsible for the power swings. A discussion of the root cause is initiated, based on the state of the art. Finally, the latest results will enable a validation of recent RANS flow simulations used for determining the key parameters of hydro-acoustic stability models.

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Concepts associés (32)
Turbine Francis
vignette|Coupe d'une turbine Francis. Dans la volute en forme de spirale, l'eau pénètre radialement dans la turbine et en sort axialement au centre vers le bas. Une turbine Francis est une turbine hydraulique de type « à réaction ». Elle est adaptée à des hauteurs de chute moyennes (de ), pour des puissances et débits moyens ou forts (tel le barrage d'Itaipu), à savoir de quelques kilowatts à plusieurs centaines de mégawatts pour des débits de /s.
Turbine hydraulique
Une turbine hydraulique est une machine tournante qui produit une énergie mécanique à partir d'eau en mouvement (cours d'eau ou marée) ou potentiellement en mouvement (barrage). Elle constitue le composant essentiel des centrales hydroélectriques destinées à produire de l'électricité à partir d'un flux d'eau. Elle a été inventée par Benoît Fourneyron en 1832, qui installa sa première machine à Pont-sur-l'Ognon. vignette|droite|Turbine hydraulique et générateur électrique, vue en coupe.
Variable renewable energy
Variable renewable energy (VRE) or intermittent renewable energy sources (IRES) are renewable energy sources that are not dispatchable due to their fluctuating nature, such as wind power and solar power, as opposed to controllable renewable energy sources, such as dammed hydroelectricity or biomass, or relatively constant sources, such as geothermal power. The use of small amounts of intermittent power has little effect on grid operations. Using larger amounts of intermittent power may require upgrades or even a redesign of the grid infrastructure.
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La transition énergique suisse / Energiewende in der Schweiz
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