This thesis presents new flexible dynamic stochastic models for the evolution of market prices and new methods for the valuation of derivatives. These models and methods build on the recently characterized class of polynomial jump-diffusion processes for which the conditional moments are analytic. The first half of this thesis is concerned with modelling the fluctuations in the volatility of stock prices, and with the valuation of options on the stock. A new stochastic volatility model for which the squared volatility follows a Jacobi process is presented in the first chapter. The stock price volatility is allowed to continuously fluctuate between a lower and an upper bound, and option prices have closed-form series representations when their payoff functions depend on the stock price at finitely many dates. Truncating these series at some finite order entails accurate option price approximations. This method builds on the series expansion of the ratio between the log price density and an auxiliary density, with respect to an orthonormal basis of polynomials in a weighted Lebesgue space. When the payoff functions can be similarly expanded, the method is particularly efficient computationally. In the second chapter, more flexible choices of weighted spaces are studied in order to obtain new series representations for option prices with faster convergence rates. The option price approximation method can then be applied to various stochastic volatility models. The second half of this thesis is concerned with modelling the default times of firms, and with the pricing of credit risk securities. A new class of credit risk models in which the firm default probability is linear in the factors is presented in the third chapter. The prices of defaultable bonds and credit default swaps have explicit linear-rational expressions in the factors. A polynomial model with compact support and bounded default intensities is developed. This property is exploited to approximate credit derivatives prices by interpolating their payoff functions with polynomials. In the fourth chapter, the joint term structure of default probabilities is flexibly modelled using factor copulas. A generic static framework is developed in which the prices of high dimensional and complex credit securities can be efficiently and exactly computed. Dynamic credit risk models with significant default dependence can in turn be constructed by combining polynomial factor copulas and linear credit risk models.
Pierre Collin Dufresne, Jan Benjamin Junge