Objectives The aim of this study was to develop a new automated segmentation method of white matter (WM) and cortical multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions visible on magnetization-prepared 2 inversion-contrast rapid gradient echo (MP2RAGE) images acquired at 7 T MRI. Materials and Methods The proposed prototype (MSLAST [Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Analysis at Seven Tesla]) takes as input a single image contrast derived from the 7T MP2RAGE prototype sequence and is based on partial volume estimation and topological constraints. First, MSLAST performs a skull-strip of MP2RAGE images and computes tissue concentration maps for WM, gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using a partial volume model of tissues within each voxel. Second, MSLAST performs (1) connected-component analysis to GM and CSF concentration maps to classify small isolated components as MS lesions; (2) hole-filling in the WM concentration map to classify areas with low WM concentration surrounded by WM (ie, MS lesions); and (3) outlier rejection to the WM mask to improve the classification of small WM lesions. Third, MSLAST unifies the 3 maps obtained from 1, 2, and 3 processing steps to generate a global lesion mask. Results Quantitative and qualitative assessments were performed using MSLAST in 25 MS patients from 2 research centers. Overall, MSLAST detected a median of 71% of MS lesions, specifically 74% of WM and 58% of cortical lesions, when a minimum lesion size of 6 mu L was considered. The median false-positive rate was 40%. When a 15 mu L minimal lesions size was applied, which is the approximation of the minimal size recommended for 1.5/3 T images, the median detection rate was 80% for WM and 63% for cortical lesions, respectively, and the median false-positive rate was 33%. We observed high correlation between MSLAST and manual segmentations (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, rho = 0.91), although MSLAST underestimated the total lesion volume (average difference of 1.1 mL), especially in patients with high lesion loads. MSLAST also showed good scan-rescan repeatability within the same session with an average absolute volume difference and F1 score of 0.38 +/- 0.32 mL and 84%, respectively. Conclusions We propose a new methodology to facilitate the segmentation of WM and cortical MS lesions at 7 T MRI, our approach uses a single MP2RAGE scan and may be of special interest to clinicians and researchers.
Tobias Kober, Tom Hilbert, Gian Franco Piredda