We generalize the construction of the spin-1/2 SU(2) resonating valence bond (RVB) state to the case of the self-conjugate 6 representation of SU(4). As for the case of SU(2) [J.-Y. Chen and D. Poilblanc, Phys. Rev. B 97, 161107(R) (2018)], we use the projected entangled pair state (PEPS) formalism to derive a simple (two-dimensional) family of generalized SU(4) RVB states on the square lattice. We show that, when longer-range SU(4)-singlet bonds are included, a local gauge symmetry is broken down from U(1) to Z(2), leading to the emergence of a short-range spin liquid. Evidence for the topological nature of this spin liquid is provided by the investigation of the Renyi entanglement entropy of infinitely long cylinders and of the modular matrices. Relevance to microscopic models and experiments of ultracold atoms is discussed.
Philip Johannes Walter Moll, Matthias Carsten Putzke, Yi-Chiang Sun, Chunyu Guo, Xiangwei Huang, Jonas De Jesus Diaz Gomez