The use of interactive tools combined with remote laboratories has shown to be very useful for students when offered in a MOOC. The EPFL hands-on Control MOOC enables students to switch back and forth between control and observation on a remote laboratory, as well as analysis and design, allowing continuity of experimentation. Currently the data acquired and generated in these activities remain within the MOOC infrastructure. An important aspect for the students is the ability to store and exchange different kinds of data and learning outputs with other platforms, thus giving complete freedom for further usage and ownership. LTI is an established standard to encapsulate remote laboratories into MOOCs and turn them into MOOLs (Massive Open Online Labs), but the experimentation data and learning outputs are locked in ad-hoc storage under the control of the LTI tools. This paper first presents requirements to ensure transparent data usage and ownership for guaranteeing the continuity of experimentation. Then, it details the limits of existing LTI solutions to share data between the MOOC tools and proposes extensions as well as new schemes to fulfil the elicited requirements. (C) 2019, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Christophe Ballif, Marine Dominique Cauz, Laure-Emmanuelle Perret Aebi