Objective. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of basal ganglia effectively tackles motor symptoms of movement disorders such as Tourette syndrome (TS). The precise location of target stimulation site determines the range of clinical outcome in DBS patients, and the occurrence of side-effects of DBS. DBS implant procedures currently localize stimulation target relying on a combination of pre-surgical imaging, standardized brain atlases and on-the-spot clinical tests. Here we show that temporal structure of single unit activity in subthalamic nucleus (STN) of patients affected by pure TS can contribute to identify the optimal target location of DBS. Approach. Neural activity was recorded at different depths within STN with microelectrodes during DBS implant surgery. Depth specific neural features were extracted and correlated with the optimal depth for tic control. Main results. We describe for the first time temporal spike patterns of single neurons from sensorimotor STN of anesthetized TS patients. A large fraction of units (31.2%) displayed intense bursting in the delta band (
Olaf Blanke, Fosco Bernasconi, Nathan Quentin Faivre, Michael Eric Anthony Pereira