We consider the phase diagram of the most general SU(4)-symmetric two-site Hamiltonian for a system of two fermions per site (i.e., self-conjugate 6 representation) on the square lattice. It is known that this model hosts magnetic phases breaking SU(4) symmetry and quantum disordered dimerlike phases breaking lattice translation symmetry. Motivated by a previous work [O. Gauthe, S. Capponi, and D. Poilblanc, Phys. Rev. B 99, 241112(R) (2019)], we investigate the possibility of the existence of SU(4) quantum spin liquid phases in this model, using SU(4)-symmetric projected entangled pair states (PEPS) of small bond dimensions, which can be classified according to point group and charge (C) symmetries. Among several (disconnected) families of SU(4)-symmetric PEPS, breaking or not C-symmetry, we identify critical or topological spin liquids which may be stable in some regions of the phase diagram. These results are confronted to exact diagonalization (ED) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations.
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