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In this contribution, a complete dissertation concerning the behavior of a Long Period Grating (LPG) inscribed in a B-Ge co-doped optical fiber by means of an excimer laser and exposed to proton irradiation during a recent extensive campaign performed at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) with a fluence of 4.4.10(15) p.cm(-2) is provided. The experimental results have been thus combined for the first time to the best of our knowledge with numerical simulations in order to estimate the variations of the major parameters affecting the grating response during the ultra-high dose proton exposure. From the correlation between experimental and numerical analysis, the irradiation exposure was found to induce a maximal variation of the core effective refractive index of similar to 1.61.10(-4), responsible of a resonance wavelength red shift of similar to 44 nm in correspondence of the highest absorbed radiation dose of 1.16 MGy. At the same time, a relevant decrease close to similar to 0.93.10(-4) in the refractive index modulation pertaining to the grating was estimated, leading to a reduction of the resonant dip visibility of similar to 12 dB. The effect of the proton beam on the spectral response of the LPG device and on the optical fiber parameters was assessed during the relaxation phases, showing a partial recovery only of the wavelength shift without any relevant change in the dip visibility revealing thus a partial recovery only in the refractive index of the core while the reduction of the refractive index modulation observed during the irradiation remained unchanged.
Kamil Sedlák, Davide Uglietti, Christoph Müller
Malak Mohamed Hossameldeen Omar Mohamed Galal
Luc Thévenaz, Zhisheng Yang, Alejandro Dominguez Lopez