Work–life interfaceWork–life interface is the intersection of work and personal life. There are many aspects of one's personal life that can intersect with work, including family, leisure, and health. Work–life interface is bidirectional; for instance, work can interfere with private life, and private life can interfere with work. This interface can be adverse in nature (e.g., work–life conflict) or can be beneficial (e.g., work–life enrichment) in nature. Recent research has shown that the work–life interface has become more boundary-less, especially for technology-enabled workers.
Bounding volume hierarchyA bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) is a tree structure on a set of geometric objects. All geometric objects, which form the leaf nodes of the tree, are wrapped in bounding volumes. These nodes are then grouped as small sets and enclosed within larger bounding volumes. These, in turn, are also grouped and enclosed within other larger bounding volumes in a recursive fashion, eventually resulting in a tree structure with a single bounding volume at the top of the tree.
Architecture en couchesIn software engineering, multitier architecture (often referred to as n-tier architecture) is a client–server architecture in which presentation, application processing and data management functions are physically separated. The most widespread use of multitier architecture is the three-tier architecture. N-tier application architecture provides a model by which developers can create flexible and reusable applications. By segregating an application into tiers, developers acquire the option of modifying or adding a specific tier, instead of reworking the entire application.
Système anti-collisionUn système anti-collision, ou dispositif d'évitement des collisions est un système de sécurité active conçu pour réduire la gravité des accidents des véhicules motorisés. La dénomination du système anti-collision est reprise du domaine aéronautique où ont fait leur preuve certains systèmes parmi le TCAS (en français « système d'alerte de trafic et d'évitement de collision »), l'Airborne collision avoidance system, Obstacle Collision Avoidance System ou le Portable collision avoidance system.
Visual cultureVisual culture is the aspect of culture expressed in . Many academic fields study this subject, including cultural studies, art history, critical theory, philosophy, media studies, Deaf Studies, and anthropology. The field of visual culture studies in the United States corresponds or parallels the Bildwissenschaft ("image studies") in Germany. Both fields are not entirely new, as they can be considered reformulations of issues of photography and film theory that had been raised from the 1920s and 1930s by authors like Béla Balázs, László Moholy-Nagy, Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin.
Refusal of workRefusal of work is behavior in which a person refuses regular employment. As actual behavior, with or without a political or philosophical program, it has been practiced by various subcultures and individuals. It is frequently engaged in by those who critique the concept of work, and it has a long history. Radical political positions have openly advocated refusal of work. From within Marxism it has been advocated by Paul Lafargue and the Italian workerist/autonomists (e.g. Antonio Negri, Mario Tronti), the French ultra-left (e.
Arts visuelsLes arts visuels sont les arts qui produisent des objets perçus essentiellement par l'œil. Ils englobent les arts plastiques traditionnels (les anciens beaux-arts dégagés de la notion restrictive d'esthétique, comme du « beau »), auxquels s'ajoutent les techniques nouvelles : la photographie, le cinéma, l'art vidéo et l'art numérique, mais aussi les arts appliqués, les arts décoratifs (art textile, design, marqueterie...) et l'architecture.
TravailAu sens économique usuel, le travail est l'activité rémunérée qui permet la production de biens et services. Avec le capital, c'est un facteur de production de l'économie. Il est essentiellement fourni par des employés en échange d'un salaire et contribue à l'activité économique. Le processus d'entrée et de sortie de l'emploi se fait par le marché du travail. Le travail non rémunéré joue un rôle non négligeable dans la production nationale.
Psychologie naïveLa psychologie naïve, ou psychologie populaire, nommée également en français psychologie du sens commun (en anglais : folk psychology) désigne l'ensemble des concepts mentaux que nous utilisons pour interpréter les actions de nos semblables. Par exemple, nous interprétons couramment un comportement comme le résultat des croyances, des désirs, des sentiments et de la volonté d'une personne mais nous n'utilisons pas ces concepts pour comprendre les mouvements d'un objet (comme une balle qui dévale une pente).
Unmanned ground vehicleAn unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is a vehicle that operates while in contact with the ground and without an onboard human presence. UGVs can be used for many applications where it may be inconvenient, dangerous, or impossible to have a human operator present. Generally, the vehicle will have a set of sensors to observe the environment, and will either autonomously make decisions about its behavior or pass the information to a human operator at a different location who will control the vehicle through teleoperation.