We present a(1)H NMR investigation of spin dynamics in two finite integer spin molecular nanomagnetic rings, namely V7Zn and V7Ni. This study could be put in correlation with the problem of Haldane gap in infinite integer spin chains. While V7Zn is an approximation of a homometallic broken chain due to the presence ofs = 0 Zn(2+)ion uncoupled from nearest neighbor V(2+)s = 1 ions, the V7Ni compound constitutes an example of a closed periodicals = 1 heterometallic chain. From preliminary susceptibility measurements on single crystals and data analysis, the exchange coupling constantJ/k(B)results in the order of few kelvin. At room temperature, the frequency behavior of the(1)H NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T(1)allowed to conclude that the spin-spin correlation function is similar to the one observed in semi-integer spin molecules, but with a smaller cutoff frequency. Thus, the high-T data can be interpreted in terms of, e.g., a Heisenberg model including spin diffusion. On the other hand, the behavior of 1/T(1)vs temperature at different constant fields reveals a clear peak at temperature of the order ofJ/k(B), qualitatively in agreement with the well-known Bloembergen-Purcell-Pound model and with previous results on semi-integer molecular spin systems. Consequently, one can suggest that for a small numberNof interactings = 1 ions (N = 8), the Haldane conjecture does not play a key role on spin dynamics, and the investigated rings still keep the quantum nature imposed mainly by the low number of magnetic centers, with no clear topological effect due to integer spins.
Frédéric Mila, Mithilesh Nayak
Henrik Moodysson Rønnow, Thorsten Schmitt, Vladimir N. Strocov, Yi Tseng