In viscous fluids, motile microentities such as bacteria or artificial swimmers often display different transport modes than macroscopic ones. A current challenge in the field aims at using friction asymmetry to steer the motion of microscopic particles. Here we show that lithographically shaped magnetic microtriangles undergo a series of complex transport modes when driven by a precessing magnetic field, including a surfing-like drift close to the bottom plane. In this regime, we exploit the triangle asymmetric shape to obtain a transversal drift which is later used to transport the microtriangle in any direction along the plane. We explain this friction-induced anisotropic sliding with a minimal numerical model capable to reproduce the experimental results. Due to the flexibility offered by soft-lithographic sculpturing, our method to guide anisotropic-shaped magnetic microcomposites can be potentially extended to many other field responsive structures operating in fluid media.
Marie Estelle Solange Violay, François Xavier Thibault Passelègue, Federica Paglialunga
Brice Tanguy Alphonse Lecampion, Lucas Pereira