Projet (management)Un projet est — en management d'entreprise — un ensemble finalisé d’activités et d’actions entreprises par une « équipe projet » sous la responsabilité d'un chef de projet dans le but de répondre à un besoin défini par un contrat dans des délais fixés et dans la limite d'une enveloppe budgétaire allouée. Comme exemple de projets célèbres, on peut citer le « projet Manhattan ».
Génie informatiqueLe génie informatique, ou l'ingénierie informatique, est une discipline qui traite de la conception, du développement et de la fabrication de systèmes informatiques, aussi bien d'un point de vue matériels que logiciels. Le terme anglais computer engineering est parfois utilisé dans un sens plus restreint, considérant le génie informatique comme une discipline reliée au génie électrique, et fait alors référence à la conception, au développement et à la fabrication du matériel uniquement.
Project charterIn project management, a project charter, project definition, or project statement is a statement of the scope, objectives, and participants in a project. It provides a preliminary delineation of roles and responsibilities, outlines the project's key goals, identifies the main stakeholders, and defines the authority of the project manager. In Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD), this document is known as the project charter. In customer relationship management (CRM), it is known as the project definition report.
Chef de projetLe chef de projet (CDP) est la personne chargée de mener un projet et de gérer son bon déroulement. De manière générale, sans être systématique, il anime une équipe pendant la durée du ou des projet(s) dont il a la charge. D'autres appellations existent pour ce type de poste (chargé/coordonnateur/responsable/gestionnaire/administrateur/directeur, etc.) et varient en fonction de l'organisation et de la taille de l'entreprise de travail.
Gestion de projetLa gestion de projet, est l'ensemble des activités visant à organiser le bon déroulement d’un projet et à en atteindre les objectifs en temps et en heures selon les objectifs visés. Elle consiste à appliquer les méthodes, techniques, et outils de gestion spécifiques aux différentes étapes du projet, de l'évaluation de l'opportunité jusqu'à l'achèvement du projet. Cette activité porte également le nom de conduite de projet, pilotage de projet, ingénierie de projet, ou encore management de projet.
Geological engineeringGeological engineering is a discipline of engineering concerned with the application of geological science and engineering principles to fields, such as civil engineering, mining, environmental engineering, and forestry, among others. The work of geological engineers often directs or supports the work of other engineering disciplines such as assessing the suitability of locations for civil engineering, environmental engineering, mining operations, and oil and gas projects by conducting geological, geoenvironmental, geophysical, and geotechnical studies.
Regulation and licensure in engineeringRegulation and licensure in engineering is established by various jurisdictions of the world to encourage life, public welfare, safety, well-being, then environment and other interests of the general public and to define the licensure process through which an engineer becomes licensed to practice engineering and to provide professional services and products to the public. As with many other professions and activities, engineering is often a restricted activity.
Doctor of EngineeringThe Doctor of Engineering (or engineering doctorate) (abbreviated DEng or EngD) is a professional degree awarded in engineering and applied science. An EngD is a terminal degree similar to a PhD in engineering but applicable more in industry rather than in academia. The degree is usually aimed toward working professionals. The DEng/EngD along with the PhD represents the highest academic qualification in engineering, and the successful completion of either in engineering is generally required to gain employment as a full-time, tenure-track university professor or postdoctoral researcher in the field.
Project planA project plan, according to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), is: "...a formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among project stakeholders, and document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines. A project plan may be sumarized or detailed.
Biological systems engineeringBiological systems engineering or Biosystems engineering is a broad-based engineering discipline with particular emphasis on non-medical biology. It can be thought of as a subset of the broader notion of biological engineering or bio-technology though not in the respects that pertain to biomedical engineering as biosystems engineering tends to focus less on medical applications than on agriculture, ecosystems, and food science. The discipline focuses broadly on environmentally sound and sustainable engineering solutions to meet societies' ecologically related needs.