Formamidinium lead iodide-based solar cells show promising device reliability. The grain imperfection can be further suppressed by developing powder methodology. The water uptake capability is critical for the stability of a-formamidinium lead triiodide (FAPbI3) thin films, and elucidating the migration of hydrogen species is chal-lenging using routine techniques such as imaging or mass spectros-copy. Here, we decipher the proton diffusion to quantify indirect monitoring of H migration by following the N-D vibration using transmission infrared spectroscopy. The technique allows a direct assessment of the perovskite degradation associated with moisture. The inclusion of Cs in FAPbI3, reveals significant differences in pro-ton diffusion rates, attesting to its impact. CsFAPbI3's ability to block the active layer access by water molecules is five times higher than a-FAPbI3, which is significantly higher than methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3). Our protocol directly probes the local environment of the material to identify its intrinsic degradation mechanisms and stability, a key requirement for optoelectronic applications.
Rainer Beck, Mateusz Suchodol, Harmina Vejayan