Portfolio optimizationPortfolio optimization is the process of selecting the best portfolio (asset distribution), out of the set of all portfolios being considered, according to some objective. The objective typically maximizes factors such as expected return, and minimizes costs like financial risk. Factors being considered may range from tangible (such as assets, liabilities, earnings or other fundamentals) to intangible (such as selective divestment). Modern portfolio theory was introduced in a 1952 doctoral thesis by Harry Markowitz; see Markowitz model.
Théorie moderne du portefeuilleLa théorie moderne du portefeuille est une théorie financière développée en 1952 par Harry Markowitz. Elle expose comment des investisseurs rationnels utilisent la diversification afin d'optimiser leur portefeuille, et quel devrait être le prix d'un actif étant donné son risque par rapport au risque moyen du marché. Cette théorie fait appel aux concepts de frontière efficiente, coefficient bêta, droite de marché des capitaux et droite de marché des titres. Sa formalisation la plus accomplie est le modèle d'évaluation des actifs financiers ou MEDAF.
Investment styleInvestment style, is a term in investment management (and more generally, in finance), referring to a characteristic investment philosophy employed by an investor. The classification extends across asset classes - equities, bonds or financial derivatives - and within each may further weigh factors such as leverage, momentum, diversification benefits, relative value or growth prospects. Major styles include the following, but see also and . Active vs.
Portefeuille (finance)Un portefeuille (en finance) désigne une collection d'actifs financiers détenus par un établissement ou un individu. Cela peut aussi désigner des valeurs mobilières détenues à titre d'investissements, de dépôt, de provision ou de garantie. Une caractéristique importante d'un portefeuille est son degré de diversification qui permet d'atteindre un juste milieu entre le risque, la volatilité et la rentabilité du portefeuille, tout en tenant compte de la durée prévue du placement (horizon de temps).
Investment managementInvestment management (sometimes referred to more generally as asset management) is the professional asset management of various securities, including shareholdings, bonds, and other assets, such as real estate, to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of investors. Investors may be institutions, such as insurance companies, pension funds, corporations, charities, educational establishments, or private investors, either directly via investment contracts/mandates or via collective investment schemes like mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, or REITs.
Style driftStyle drift occurs when a mutual fund's actual and declared investment style differs. A mutual fund’s declared investment style can be found in the fund prospectus which investors commonly rely upon to aid their investment decisions. For most investors, they assumed that mutual fund managers will invest according to the advertised guidelines, this is however, not the case for a fund with style drift.
Ratio de SharpeLe ratio de Sharpe, nommé d'après William F. Sharpe, mesure l'écart de rentabilité d'un portefeuille d'actifs financiers (actions par exemple) par rapport au taux de rendement d'un placement sans risque (autrement dit la prime de risque, positive ou négative), divisé par un indicateur de risque, l'écart type de la rentabilité de ce portefeuille, autrement dit sa volatilité. Formellement, où est l'espérance des rentabilités du portefeuille, étant le référentiel de comparaison choisi (en général le taux de placement sans risque), et l'écart-type du taux de rendement du portefeuille considéré.
Intertemporal portfolio choiceIntertemporal portfolio choice is the process of allocating one's investable wealth to various assets, especially financial assets, repeatedly over time, in such a way as to optimize some criterion. The set of asset proportions at any time defines a portfolio. Since the returns on almost all assets are not fully predictable, the criterion has to take financial risk into account. Typically the criterion is the expected value of some concave function of the value of the portfolio after a certain number of time periods—that is, the expected utility of final wealth.
Momentum investingMomentum investing is a system of buying stocks or other securities that have had high returns over the past three to twelve months, and selling those that have had poor returns over the same period. While momentum investing is well-established as a phenomenon no consensus exists about the explanation for this strategy, and economists have trouble reconciling momentum with the efficient market hypothesis and random walk hypothesis. Two main hypotheses have been submitted to explain the momentum effect in terms of an efficient market.
Style investingStyle investing is an investment approach in which securities are grouped into categories, and portfolio allocation is based on selection among "styles" rather than among individual securities. Style investors, then, make portfolio allocation decisions by placing their money in broad categorizations of assets, such as small-cap, value, low-volatility, or emerging markets. Some investors dynamically allocate across different styles and move funds back and forth between these styles depending on their expected performance.