ViscositéLa viscosité (du latin viscum, gui, glu) peut être définie comme l'ensemble des phénomènes de résistance au mouvement d'un fluide pour un écoulement avec ou sans turbulence. La viscosité diminue la liberté d'écoulement du fluide et dissipe son énergie. Deux grandeurs physiques caractérisent la viscosité : la viscosité dynamique (celle utilisée le plus généralement) et la seconde viscosité ou la viscosité de volume. On utilise aussi des grandeurs dérivées : fluidité, viscosité cinématique ou viscosité élongationnelle.
Spot weldingSpot welding (or resistance spot welding) is a type of electric resistance welding used to weld various sheet metal products, through a process in which contacting metal surface points are joined by the heat obtained from resistance to electric current. The process uses two shaped copper alloy electrodes to concentrate welding current into a small "spot" and to simultaneously clamp the sheets together. Work-pieces are held together under pressure exerted by electrodes. Typically the sheets are in the thickness range.
Forge weldingForge welding (FOW), also called fire welding, is a solid-state welding process that joins two pieces of metal by heating them to a high temperature and then hammering them together. It may also consist of heating and forcing the metals together with presses or other means, creating enough pressure to cause plastic deformation at the weld surfaces. The process, although challenging, has been a method of joining metals used since ancient times and is a staple of traditional blacksmithing.
Boisvignette|Bûche de chêne. vignette|L'ébéniste crée des meubles raffinés en recouvrant leur bois massif de marqueterie composées de bois précieux. (table attribuée à Pierre Gole, ). Le bois est un matériau naturel d'origine végétale. Il est constitué par un tissu végétal formant la plus grande partie du tronc des plantes ligneuses. Le bois assure, chez la plante, le rôle de conduction de la sève brute des racines jusqu’aux feuilles et le rôle de soutien mécanique de l'arbre ou de l'arbuste.
Soudage MIG-MAGvignette|225x225px|Soudage à l'arc avec fil - électrode fusible sous flux gazeux. vignette|Un poste à souder MIG/MAG. Le soudage MIG-MAG (respectivement 131 ou 132/133, et 135 ou 136/138 suivant la norme NF EN ISO 4063-2011), ou encore GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) selon le code américain ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) section IX, est un procédé de soudage semi-automatique. La fusion des métaux est obtenue par l’énergie calorifique dégagée par un arc électrique qui éclate dans une atmosphère de protection entre un fil électrode fusible et les pièces à assembler.
Bacterial cell structureThe bacterium, despite its simplicity, contains a well-developed cell structure which is responsible for some of its unique biological structures and pathogenicity. Many structural features are unique to bacteria and are not found among archaea or eukaryotes. Because of the simplicity of bacteria relative to larger organisms and the ease with which they can be manipulated experimentally, the cell structure of bacteria has been well studied, revealing many biochemical principles that have been subsequently applied to other organisms.
Engineered woodEngineered wood, also called mass timber, composite wood, man-made wood, or manufactured board, includes a range of derivative wood products which are manufactured by binding or fixing the strands, particles, fibres, or veneers or boards of wood, together with adhesives, or other methods of fixation to form composite material. The panels vary in size but can range upwards of and in the case of cross-laminated timber (CLT) can be of any thickness from a few inches to or more.
Écoulement laminaireEn mécanique des fluides, l'écoulement laminaire est le mode d'écoulement d'un fluide où l'ensemble du fluide s'écoule plus ou moins dans la même direction, sans que les différences locales se contrarient (par opposition au régime turbulent, fait de tourbillons qui se contrarient mutuellement). L'écoulement laminaire est généralement celui qui est recherché lorsqu'on veut faire circuler un fluide dans un tuyau (car il crée moins de pertes de charge), ou faire voler un avion (car il est plus stable, et prévisible par les équations).
Boundary layer thicknessThis page describes some of the parameters used to characterize the thickness and shape of boundary layers formed by fluid flowing along a solid surface. The defining characteristic of boundary layer flow is that at the solid walls, the fluid's velocity is reduced to zero. The boundary layer refers to the thin transition layer between the wall and the bulk fluid flow. The boundary layer concept was originally developed by Ludwig Prandtl and is broadly classified into two types, bounded and unbounded.
Viscous stress tensorThe viscous stress tensor is a tensor used in continuum mechanics to model the part of the stress at a point within some material that can be attributed to the strain rate, the rate at which it is deforming around that point. The viscous stress tensor is formally similar to the elastic stress tensor (Cauchy tensor) that describes internal forces in an elastic material due to its deformation. Both tensors map the normal vector of a surface element to the density and direction of the stress acting on that surface element.