We prove that, given a certain isometric action of a two-dimensional Abelian group A on a quaternionic Kahler manifold M which preserves a submanifold N aS, M, the quotient M' = N/A has a natural Kahler structure. We verify that the assumptions on the group action and on the submanifold N aS, M are satisfied for a large class of examples obtained from the supergravity c-map. In particular, we find that all quaternionic Kahler manifolds M in the image of the c-map admit an integrable complex structure compatible with the quaternionic structure, such that N aS, M is a complex submanifold. Finally, we discuss how the existence of the Kahler structure on M' is required by the consistency of spontaneous to supersymmetry breaking.
Aude Billard, Iason Batzianoulis, Anqing Duan
Daniel Kressner, Axel Elie Joseph Séguin, Gianluca Ceruti