Purpose To measure spatiotemporal B-0 field changes in real time using FID navigators (FIDnavs) and to demonstrate the efficacy of retrospectively correcting high-resolution T2*-weighted images using a novel FIDnav framework. Methods A forward model of the complex FIDnav signals was generated by simulating the effect of changes in the underlying B-0 inhomogeneity coefficients, with spatial encoding provided by a multi-channel reference image. Experiments were performed at 3T to assess the accuracy of B-0 field estimates from FIDnavs acquired from a 64-channel head coil under different shim settings and in 5 volunteers performing deep-breathing and nose-touching tasks designed to modulate the B-0 field. Second-order, in-plane spherical harmonic (SH) inhomogeneity coefficients estimated from FIDnavs were incorporated into an iterative reconstruction to retrospectively correct 2D gradient-echo images acquired in both axial and sagittal planes. Results Spatiotemporal B-0 field changes measured from rapidly acquired FIDnavs were in good agreement with the results of second-order SH fitting to the measured field maps. FIDnav field estimates accounted for a significant proportion of the Delta B-0 variance induced by deep breathing (64 +/- 21%) and nose touching (67 +/- 34%) across all volunteers. Ghosting, blurring, and intensity modulation artifacts in T2*-weighted images, induced by spatiotemporal field changes, were visibly reduced following retrospective correction with FIDnav inhomogeneity coefficients. Conclusions Spatially resolved B-0 inhomogeneity changes up to second order can be characterized in real time using the proposed approach. Retrospective FIDnav correction substantially improves T2*-weighted image quality in the presence of strong B-0 field modulations, with potential for real-time shimming.
Yves Perriard, Leopoldo Rossini