In probability theory and statistics, the beta prime distribution (also known as inverted beta distribution or beta distribution of the second kind) is an absolutely continuous probability distribution. If has a beta distribution, then the odds has a beta prime distribution. Beta prime distribution is defined for with two parameters α and β, having the probability density function: where B is the Beta function. The cumulative distribution function is where I is the regularized incomplete beta function. The expected value, variance, and other details of the distribution are given in the sidebox; for , the excess kurtosis is While the related beta distribution is the conjugate prior distribution of the parameter of a Bernoulli distribution expressed as a probability, the beta prime distribution is the conjugate prior distribution of the parameter of a Bernoulli distribution expressed in odds. The distribution is a Pearson type VI distribution. The mode of a variate X distributed as is . Its mean is if (if the mean is infinite, in other words it has no well defined mean) and its variance is if . For , the k-th moment is given by For with this simplifies to The cdf can also be written as where is the Gauss's hypergeometric function 2F1 . The beta prime distribution may also be reparameterized in terms of its mean μ > 0 and precision ν > 0 parameters ( p. 36). Consider the parameterization μ = α/(β-1) and ν = β- 2, i.e., α = μ( 1 + ν) and β = 2 + ν. Under this parameterization E[Y] = μ and Var[Y] = μ(1 + μ)/ν. Two more parameters can be added to form the generalized beta prime distribution : shape (real) scale (real) having the probability density function: with mean and mode Note that if p = q = 1 then the generalized beta prime distribution reduces to the standard beta prime distribution. This generalization can be obtained via the following invertible transformation. If and for , then . The compound gamma distribution is the generalization of the beta prime when the scale parameter, q is added, but where p = 1.
Yves Perriard, Louis Antoine Masson
Guido Haefeli, François Bochud