In semiconductor production, doping is the intentional introduction of impurities into an intrinsic semiconductor for the purpose of modulating its electrical, optical and structural properties. The doped material is referred to as an extrinsic semiconductor. Small numbers of dopant atoms can change the ability of a semiconductor to conduct electricity. When on the order of one dopant atom is added per 100 million atoms, the doping is said to be low or light. When many more dopant atoms are added, on the order of one per ten thousand atoms, the doping is referred to as high or heavy. This is often shown as n+ for n-type doping or p+ for p-type doping. (See the article on semiconductors for a more detailed description of the doping mechanism.) A semiconductor doped to such high levels that it acts more like a conductor than a semiconductor is referred to as a degenerate semiconductor. A semiconductor can be considered i-type semiconductor if it has been doped in equal quantities of p and n. In the context of phosphors and scintillators, doping is better known as activation; this is not to be confused with dopant activation in semiconductors. Doping is also used to control the color in some pigments. The effects of impurities in semiconductors (doping) were long known empirically in such devices as crystal radio detectors and selenium rectifiers. For instance, in 1885 Shelford Bidwell, and in 1930 the German scientist Bernhard Gudden, each independently reported that the properties of semiconductors were due to the impurities they contained. A doping process was formally developed by John Robert Woodyard working at Sperry Gyroscope Company during World War II. Though the word doping is not used in it, his US Patent issued in 1950 describes methods for adding tiny amounts of solid elements from the nitrogen column of the periodic table to germanium to produce rectifying devices. The demands of his work on radar prevented Woodyard from pursuing further research on semiconductor doping. Similar work was performed at Bell Labs by Gordon K.

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