In mathematics, a Dirac measure assigns a size to a set based solely on whether it contains a fixed element x or not. It is one way of formalizing the idea of the Dirac delta function, an important tool in physics and other technical fields.
A Dirac measure is a measure δx on a set X (with any σ-algebra of subsets of X) defined for a given x ∈ X and any (measurable) set A ⊆ X by
where 1A is the indicator function of A.
The Dirac measure is a probability measure, and in terms of probability it represents the almost sure outcome x in the sample space X. We can also say that the measure is a single atom at x; however, treating the Dirac measure as an atomic measure is not correct when we consider the sequential definition of Dirac delta, as the limit of a delta sequence. The Dirac measures are the extreme points of the convex set of probability measures on X.
The name is a back-formation from the Dirac delta function; considered as a Schwartz distribution, for example on the real line, measures can be taken to be a special kind of distribution. The identity
which, in the form
is often taken to be part of the definition of the "delta function", holds as a theorem of Lebesgue integration.
Let δx denote the Dirac measure centred on some fixed point x in some measurable space (X, Σ).
δx is a probability measure, and hence a finite measure.
Suppose that (X, T) is a topological space and that Σ is at least as fine as the Borel σ-algebra σ(T) on X.
δx is a strictly positive measure if and only if the topology T is such that x lies within every non-empty open set, e.g. in the case of the trivial topology {∅, X}.
Since δx is probability measure, it is also a locally finite measure.
If X is a Hausdorff topological space with its Borel σ-algebra, then δx satisfies the condition to be an inner regular measure, since singleton sets such as {x} are always compact. Hence, δx is also a Radon measure.
Assuming that the topology T is fine enough that {x} is closed, which is the case in most applications, the support of δx is {x}.
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En son coeur, c'est un cours d'analyse fonctionnelle pour les physiciens et traite les bases de théorie de mesure, des espaces des fonctions et opérateurs linéaires.
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In measure theory, a branch of mathematics, a finite measure or totally finite measure is a special measure that always takes on finite values. Among finite measures are probability measures. The finite measures are often easier to handle than more general measures and show a variety of different properties depending on the sets they are defined on. A measure on measurable space is called a finite measure if it satisfies By the monotonicity of measures, this implies If is a finite measure, the measure space is called a finite measure space or a totally finite measure space.
In mathematics (specifically in measure theory), a Radon measure, named after Johann Radon, is a measure on the σ-algebra of Borel sets of a Hausdorff topological space X that is finite on all compact sets, outer regular on all Borel sets, and inner regular on open sets. These conditions guarantee that the measure is "compatible" with the topology of the space, and most measures used in mathematical analysis and in number theory are indeed Radon measures.
In mathematics, the integral of a non-negative function of a single variable can be regarded, in the simplest case, as the area between the graph of that function and the X-axis. The Lebesgue integral, named after French mathematician Henri Lebesgue, extends the integral to a larger class of functions. It also extends the domains on which these functions can be defined.
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