
Complex conjugate of a vector space

In mathematics, the complex conjugate of a complex vector space is a complex vector space , which has the same elements and additive group structure as but whose scalar multiplication involves conjugation of the scalars. In other words, the scalar multiplication of satisfies where is the scalar multiplication of and is the scalar multiplication of The letter stands for a vector in is a complex number, and denotes the complex conjugate of More concretely, the complex conjugate vector space is the same underlying vector space (same set of points, same vector addition and real scalar multiplication) with the conjugate linear complex structure (different multiplication by ). If and are complex vector spaces, a function is antilinear if With the use of the conjugate vector space , an antilinear map can be regarded as an ordinary linear map of type The linearity is checked by noting: Conversely, any linear map defined on gives rise to an antilinear map on This is the same underlying principle as in defining opposite ring so that a right -module can be regarded as a left -module, or that of an so that a contravariant functor can be regarded as an ordinary functor of type A linear map gives rise to a corresponding linear map which has the same action as Note that preserves scalar multiplication because Thus, complex conjugation and define a functor from the of complex vector spaces to itself. If and are finite-dimensional and the map is described by the complex matrix with respect to the bases of and of then the map is described by the complex conjugate of with respect to the bases of and of The vector spaces and have the same dimension over the complex numbers and are therefore isomorphic as complex vector spaces. However, there is no natural isomorphism from to The double conjugate is identical to Given a Hilbert space (either finite or infinite dimensional), its complex conjugate is the same vector space as its continuous dual space There is one-to-one antilinear correspondence between continuous linear functionals and vectors.
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