Quadratic sieveThe quadratic sieve algorithm (QS) is an integer factorization algorithm and, in practice, the second fastest method known (after the general number field sieve). It is still the fastest for integers under 100 decimal digits or so, and is considerably simpler than the number field sieve. It is a general-purpose factorization algorithm, meaning that its running time depends solely on the size of the integer to be factored, and not on special structure or properties.
Smooth numberIn number theory, an n-smooth (or n-friable) number is an integer whose prime factors are all less than or equal to n. For example, a 7-smooth number is a number whose every prime factor is at most 7, so 49 = 72 and 15750 = 2 × 32 × 53 × 7 are both 7-smooth, while 11 and 702 = 2 × 33 × 13 are not 7-smooth. The term seems to have been coined by Leonard Adleman. Smooth numbers are especially important in cryptography, which relies on factorization of integers.
L-notationL-notation is an asymptotic notation analogous to big-O notation, denoted as for a bound variable tending to infinity. Like big-O notation, it is usually used to roughly convey the rate of growth of a function, such as the computational complexity of a particular algorithm. It is defined as where c is a positive constant, and is a constant . L-notation is used mostly in computational number theory, to express the complexity of algorithms for difficult number theory problems, e.g.
Time complexityIn computer science, the time complexity is the computational complexity that describes the amount of computer time it takes to run an algorithm. Time complexity is commonly estimated by counting the number of elementary operations performed by the algorithm, supposing that each elementary operation takes a fixed amount of time to perform. Thus, the amount of time taken and the number of elementary operations performed by the algorithm are taken to be related by a constant factor.
Sieve theorySieve theory is a set of general techniques in number theory, designed to count, or more realistically to estimate the size of, sifted sets of integers. The prototypical example of a sifted set is the set of prime numbers up to some prescribed limit X. Correspondingly, the prototypical example of a sieve is the sieve of Eratosthenes, or the more general Legendre sieve. The direct attack on prime numbers using these methods soon reaches apparently insuperable obstacles, in the way of the accumulation of error terms.
Discrete logarithmIn mathematics, for given real numbers a and b, the logarithm logb a is a number x such that bx = a. Analogously, in any group G, powers bk can be defined for all integers k, and the discrete logarithm logb a is an integer k such that bk = a. In number theory, the more commonly used term is index: we can write x = indr a (mod m) (read "the index of a to the base r modulo m") for rx ≡ a (mod m) if r is a primitive root of m and gcd(a,m) = 1. Discrete logarithms are quickly computable in a few special cases.
Algorithmic efficiencyIn computer science, algorithmic efficiency is a property of an algorithm which relates to the amount of computational resources used by the algorithm. An algorithm must be analyzed to determine its resource usage, and the efficiency of an algorithm can be measured based on the usage of different resources. Algorithmic efficiency can be thought of as analogous to engineering productivity for a repeating or continuous process. For maximum efficiency it is desirable to minimize resource usage.
Congruence of squaresIn number theory, a congruence of squares is a congruence commonly used in integer factorization algorithms. Given a positive integer n, Fermat's factorization method relies on finding numbers x and y satisfying the equality We can then factor n = x2 − y2 = (x + y)(x − y). This algorithm is slow in practice because we need to search many such numbers, and only a few satisfy the equation. However, n may also be factored if we can satisfy the weaker congruence of squares condition: From here we easily deduce This means that n divides the product (x + y)(x − y).
Computational complexity of mathematical operationsThe following tables list the computational complexity of various algorithms for common mathematical operations. Here, complexity refers to the time complexity of performing computations on a multitape Turing machine. See big O notation for an explanation of the notation used. Note: Due to the variety of multiplication algorithms, below stands in for the complexity of the chosen multiplication algorithm. This table lists the complexity of mathematical operations on integers.
Integer factorizationIn number theory, integer factorization is the decomposition, when possible, of a positive integer into a product of smaller integers. If the factors are further restricted to be prime numbers, the process is called prime factorization, and includes the test whether the given integer is prime (in this case, one has a "product" of a single factor). When the numbers are sufficiently large, no efficient non-quantum integer factorization algorithm is known. However, it has not been proven that such an algorithm does not exist.