MATH-486: Statistical mechanics and Gibbs measuresThis course provides a rigorous introduction to the ideas, methods and results of classical statistical mechanics, with an emphasis on presenting the central tools for the probabilistic description of
MATH-310: AlgebraThis is an introduction to modern algebra: groups, rings and fields.
ME-372: Finite element methodL'étudiant acquiert une initiation théorique à la méthode des éléments finis qui constitue la technique la plus courante pour la résolution de problèmes elliptiques en mécanique. Il apprend à applique
MATH-410: Riemann surfacesThis course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
MATH-479: Linear algebraic groupsThe aim of the course is to give an introduction to linear algebraic groups and to give an insight into a beautiful subject that combines algebraic geometry with group theory.
MATH-506: Topology IV.b - cohomology ringsSingular cohomology is defined by dualizing the singular chain complex for spaces. We will study its basic properties, see how it acquires a multiplicative structure and becomes a graded commutative a