Handwriting is the writing done with a writing instrument, such as a pen or pencil, in the hand. Handwriting includes both printing and cursive styles and is separate from formal calligraphy or typeface. Because each person's handwriting is unique and different, it can be used to verify a document's writer. The deterioration of a person's handwriting is also a symptom or result of several different diseases. The inability to produce clear and coherent handwriting is also known as dysgraphia. Each person has their own unique style of handwriting, whether it is everyday handwriting or their personal signature. Cultural environment and the characteristics of the written form of the first language that one learns to write are the primary influences on the development of one's own unique handwriting style. Even identical twins who share appearance and genetics do not have the same handwriting. Characteristics of handwriting include: the specific shape of letters, e.g. their roundness or sharpness regular or irregular spacing between letters the slope of the letters the rhythmic repetition of the elements or arrhythmia the pressure to the paper the average size of letters the thickness of letters Dyslexia and Dysgraphia#Classification Developmental dysgraphia is very often accompanied by other learning and/or neurodevelopmental disorder like ADHD. Similarly, people with ADD/ADHD have higher rates of dyslexia. It is unknown how many individuals with ADD/ADHD who also struggle with penmanship actually have undiagnosed specific learning disabilities like developmental dyslexia or developmental dysgraphia causing their handwriting difficulties. Children with ADHD have been found to be more likely to have less legible handwriting, make more spelling errors, more insertions and/or deletions of letters and more corrections. In children with these difficulties, the letters tend to be larger with wide variability of letters, letter spacing, word spacing, and the alignment of letters on the baseline. Variability of handwriting increases with longer texts.
Pierre Dillenbourg, Thibault Lucien Christian Asselborn, Wafa Monia Benkaouar Johal, David Cohen
Pierre Dillenbourg, Thibault Lucien Christian Asselborn, Wafa Monia Benkaouar Johal
Pierre Dillenbourg, Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Chenyang Wang, Barbara Bruno