In fluid thermodynamics, combined forced convection and natural convection, or mixed convection, occurs when natural convection and forced convection mechanisms act together to transfer heat. This is also defined as situations where both pressure forces and buoyant forces interact. How much each form of convection contributes to the heat transfer is largely determined by the flow, temperature, geometry, and orientation. The nature of the fluid is also influential, since the Grashof number increases in a fluid as temperature increases, but is maximized at some point for a gas. Mixed convection problems are characterized by the Grashof number (for the natural convection) and the Reynolds number (for the forced convection). The relative effect of buoyancy on mixed convection can be expressed through the Richardson number: The respective length scales for each dimensionless number must be chosen depending on the problem, e.g. a vertical length for the Grashof number and a horizontal scale for the Reynolds number. Small Richardson numbers characterize a flow dominated by forced convection. Richardson numbers higher than indicate that the flow problem is pure natural convection and the influence of forced convection can be neglected. Like for natural convection, the nature of a mixed convection flow is highly dependent on heat transfer (as buoyancy is one of the driving mechanisms) and turbulence effects play a significant role. Because of the wide range of variables, hundreds of papers have been published for experiments involving various types of fluids and geometries. This variety makes a comprehensive correlation difficult to obtain, and when it is, it is usually for very limited cases. Combined forced and natural convection, however, can be generally described in one of three ways. The first case is when natural convection aids forced convection. This is seen when the buoyant motion is in the same direction as the forced motion, thus accelerating the boundary layer and enhancing the heat transfer.
Varun Sharma, Michael Lehning, Mahdi Jafari