Positron emission, beta plus decay, or β+ decay is a subtype of radioactive decay called beta decay, in which a proton inside a radionuclide nucleus is converted into a neutron while releasing a positron and an electron neutrino (νe). Positron emission is mediated by the weak force. The positron is a type of beta particle (β+), the other beta particle being the electron (β−) emitted from the β− decay of a nucleus. An example of positron emission (β+ decay) is shown with magnesium-23 decaying into sodium-23: → + _positron + _electron neutrino Because positron emission decreases proton number relative to neutron number, positron decay happens typically in large "proton-rich" radionuclides. Positron decay results in nuclear transmutation, changing an atom of one chemical element into an atom of an element with an atomic number that is less by one unit. Positron emission occurs only very rarely naturally on earth, when induced by a cosmic ray or from one in a hundred thousand decays of potassium-40, a rare isotope, 0.012% of that element on earth. Positron emission should not be confused with electron emission or beta minus decay (β− decay), which occurs when a neutron turns into a proton and the nucleus emits an electron and an antineutrino. Positron emission is different from proton decay, the hypothetical decay of protons, not necessarily those bound with neutrons, not necessarily through the emission of a positron, and not as part of nuclear physics, but rather of particle physics. In 1934 Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie bombarded aluminium with alpha particles (emitted by polonium) to effect the nuclear reaction + → + , and observed that the product isotope emits a positron identical to those found in cosmic rays by Carl David Anderson in 1932. This was the first example of _Beta+ decay (positron emission). The Curies termed the phenomenon "artificial radioactivity", because is a short-lived nuclide which does not exist in nature. The discovery of artificial radioactivity would be cited when the husband-and-wife team won the Nobel Prize.
Edoardo Charbon, Claudio Bruschini, Emanuele Ripiccini, Andrada Alexandra Muntean
Jian Wang, Matthias Finger, Qian Wang, Yiming Li, Matthias Wolf, Varun Sharma, Yi Zhang, Konstantin Androsov, Jan Steggemann, Xin Chen, Rakesh Chawla, Matteo Galli, Anna Mascellani, João Miguel das Neves Duarte, Tagir Aushev, Tian Cheng, Yixing Chen, Werner Lustermann, Andromachi Tsirou, Alexis Kalogeropoulos, Andrea Rizzi, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Paolo Ronchese, Hua Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Tao Huang, David Vannerom, Michele Bianco, Sebastiana Gianì, Sun Hee Kim, Kun Shi, Abhisek Datta, Federica Legger, Gabriele Grosso, Ji Hyun Kim, Donghyun Kim, Zheng Wang, Sanjeev Kumar, Wei Li, Yong Yang, Ajay Kumar, Ashish Sharma, Georgios Anagnostou, Joao Varela, Csaba Hajdu, Muhammad Ahmad, Ioannis Evangelou, Milos Dordevic, Meng Xiao, Sourav Sen, Xiao Wang, Kai Yi, Jing Li, Rajat Gupta, Hui Wang, Seungkyu Ha, Pratyush Das, Anton Petrov, Xin Sun, Valérie Scheurer, Muhammad Ansar Iqbal, Lukas Layer