Dirac measureIn mathematics, a Dirac measure assigns a size to a set based solely on whether it contains a fixed element x or not. It is one way of formalizing the idea of the Dirac delta function, an important tool in physics and other technical fields. A Dirac measure is a measure δx on a set X (with any σ-algebra of subsets of X) defined for a given x ∈ X and any (measurable) set A ⊆ X by where 1A is the indicator function of A. The Dirac measure is a probability measure, and in terms of probability it represents the almost sure outcome x in the sample space X.
Polish spaceIn the mathematical discipline of general topology, a Polish space is a separable completely metrizable topological space; that is, a space homeomorphic to a complete metric space that has a countable dense subset. Polish spaces are so named because they were first extensively studied by Polish topologists and logicians—Sierpiński, Kuratowski, Tarski and others. However, Polish spaces are mostly studied today because they are the primary setting for descriptive set theory, including the study of Borel equivalence relations.
Inner regular measureIn mathematics, an inner regular measure is one for which the measure of a set can be approximated from within by compact subsets. Let (X, T) be a Hausdorff topological space and let Σ be a σ-algebra on X that contains the topology T (so that every open set is a measurable set, and Σ is at least as fine as the Borel σ-algebra on X). Then a measure μ on the measurable space (X, Σ) is called inner regular if, for every set A in Σ, This property is sometimes referred to in words as "approximation from within by compact sets.
Locally compact groupIn mathematics, a locally compact group is a topological group G for which the underlying topology is locally compact and Hausdorff. Locally compact groups are important because many examples of groups that arise throughout mathematics are locally compact and such groups have a natural measure called the Haar measure. This allows one to define integrals of Borel measurable functions on G so that standard analysis notions such as the Fourier transform and spaces can be generalized.
Lebesgue integrationIn mathematics, the integral of a non-negative function of a single variable can be regarded, in the simplest case, as the area between the graph of that function and the X-axis. The Lebesgue integral, named after French mathematician Henri Lebesgue, extends the integral to a larger class of functions. It also extends the domains on which these functions can be defined.
Regular measureIn mathematics, a regular measure on a topological space is a measure for which every measurable set can be approximated from above by open measurable sets and from below by compact measurable sets. Let (X, T) be a topological space and let Σ be a σ-algebra on X. Let μ be a measure on (X, Σ). A measurable subset A of X is said to be inner regular if and said to be outer regular if A measure is called inner regular if every measurable set is inner regular.
Gaussian measureIn mathematics, Gaussian measure is a Borel measure on finite-dimensional Euclidean space Rn, closely related to the normal distribution in statistics. There is also a generalization to infinite-dimensional spaces. Gaussian measures are named after the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. One reason why Gaussian measures are so ubiquitous in probability theory is the central limit theorem. Loosely speaking, it states that if a random variable X is obtained by summing a large number N of independent random variables of order 1, then X is of order and its law is approximately Gaussian.
Measure (mathematics)In mathematics, the concept of a measure is a generalization and formalization of geometrical measures (length, area, volume) and other common notions, such as magnitude, mass, and probability of events. These seemingly distinct concepts have many similarities and can often be treated together in a single mathematical context. Measures are foundational in probability theory, integration theory, and can be generalized to assume negative values, as with electrical charge.
Signed measureIn mathematics, signed measure is a generalization of the concept of (positive) measure by allowing the set function to take negative values. There are two slightly different concepts of a signed measure, depending on whether or not one allows it to take infinite values. Signed measures are usually only allowed to take finite real values, while some textbooks allow them to take infinite values. To avoid confusion, this article will call these two cases "finite signed measures" and "extended signed measures".
Borel measureIn mathematics, specifically in measure theory, a Borel measure on a topological space is a measure that is defined on all open sets (and thus on all Borel sets). Some authors require additional restrictions on the measure, as described below. Let be a locally compact Hausdorff space, and let be the smallest σ-algebra that contains the open sets of ; this is known as the σ-algebra of Borel sets. A Borel measure is any measure defined on the σ-algebra of Borel sets.